UC18: A Dead Pope Became My Spirit Guide & Told Me to Teach About Death

Julie Ryan: So what I've
done many times is brought

in another spirit who is
maybe a family member of

that ghost and beckon them
to come with them into

heaven, into the light.

Rod Bland: My guest today is
Julie Ryan, who is a psychic

and medical intuitive, and
she'll be sharing what that

means and how she uses her
abilities to help people and

animals all over the world.

Julie, welcome and
thank you so much for

coming on the show.

Julie Ryan: Thanks, Rod.

I'm delighted to be with
you real time in the future.

Rod Bland: Yes, as I
always say to my USA

guests, I'm a guarantee
that the future is coming.

Julie Ryan: That's a good one.

Rod Bland: So I've got a lot
of questions for you but I

think the first one is if you
could give us a little bit

of background about your life
and how you became involved

in the work that you do now.

Julie Ryan: Sure.

I'm a serial
entrepreneur, Rod.

I've founded nine
companies in five

industries in my lifetime.

And I'm an inventor of
surgical devices sold

throughout the world.

So I tell people I'm a
business woman who learned

how to do woo woo and I'm
a buffet of psychicness.

I am not a psychic who's
had dead people chasing

her since childhood.

Or if I did, I wouldn't
know what to do with that.

And I learned how to
do all this stuff.

And now I teach people all
over the world, how to do it.

Everybody has the ability
to talk to dead people, to

communicate with animals.

It's either deceased or alive
to do medical, intuitive

work, energetic healings,
all this stuff that I

do, and it's really fun.

Rod Bland: It's easy to think
that psychic abilities are

something that you get imbued
with from birth, isn't it?

Especially with what I
do talking to psychics,

it seems like people
who have had near death

experiences and psychics,
it's happened to them.

Out of body experiences
are the same.

A lot of them, it's like
they got forced upon them.

So it's interesting
that you don't have to

be in that category.

If you have a real interest,
you can actually learn how

to develop those abilities.

So where did that
start for you?

Where did the interest in
this sort of area begin?

And then how did you
go about learning and

developing your skills?

Julie Ryan: I've always
been interested in helping

people heal as a person
who has been in the

hospital supply industry.

I was for 30 years,
Rod, and as I mentioned,

I'm an inventor.

So I've invented surgical
devices that are sold

throughout the world.

Some of which are still
on the market after 30

years, which is amazing.

Unfortunately, the
patents have expired.

So there isn't any money
left for me in there, but

then I sold my manufacturing
company a few years ago too.

And the patents that were
remaining went with that, but

I've always been interested
in helping people heal.

And I was given a book
called Anatomy of the Spirit

by a friend, and it's by
Carolyn Mace, and she calls

herself a medical intuitive.

Now, this is 30 years ago, and
I said, what the heck is that?

What's a medical intuitive?

I'd never heard
that term before.

And so I read her book
and learned what she was

doing and I thought I want
to learn more about this.

She was doing, she was able
to scan somebody remotely

and see things in their
body without an x ray.

And I thought, oh, cool.

What's that all about?

And so back then we didn't
have the internet yet.

And I did the old
fashioned thing, right?

And I went to a bookstore
to see if anything else

was available after I
read that first book.

And I found a book called
hands of light by Barbara

Brennan who's a former
NASA physicist and worked

on the space program, and
she parlayed very complex

quantum physics principles
into understandable English

for the non scientific mind.

That would be me.

And she was able to facilitate
healing energetically.

And I wanted to know more.

So I called her school to
see if she had anybody in

my area teaching this stuff.

And lo and behold, she did.

And I studied with that
woman for six years.

She's still my mentor
and dear friend.

She's in her eighties now.

And I learned how to
be a medical intuitive

and energy healer.

And so for me, Rod, it's
as if I'm a human MRI

or CT scan or X ray.

I can scan anybody anywhere
in the world with their

permission of course.

I don't walk around scanning
people because I think that

would just be unethical
and I don't really care and

it's none of my business.

So I don't do it.

I turn my abilities on
and off at will, and I can

get somebody on my radar
and in my mind's eye, I

can see broken bones, torn
ligaments, viral infections,

bacterial infections, cancer,
whatever, and then I watch

an energetic healing occur,
and that can take the form

of something getting added,
something getting removed.

I watch procedures all
the time that emulate what

I saw in surgery for all
those years when I was

in surgical procedures.

Sometimes I see healings
that utilize methodologies

and devices that haven't
been invented yet.

And regardless of what I'm
seeing in my mind's eye,

I'm very descriptive with
the person with whom I'm

working, because if they
can envision it, it helps

integrate the healing into
their body because the body

always follows what the
brain tells it, even if the

brain doesn't believe it to
be true, or the body doesn't

believe it, but it integrates.

What I discovered was what
brought me into this was the

medical side of the equation.

And what I learned was
when connecting with

spirit, you can do it all.

So talk to deceased
loved ones.

Talk to anybody,
whether you know 'em

or not, doesn't matter.

Talk to pets, do
past life stuff.

Tell how close to
death somebody is.

Gosh, what else?

Yeah, like the buffet of
psychicness, everybody

has the ability.

It's just a matter of
developing and enhancing it.

Rod Bland: It makes sense
to me that you'd be able to

have access to these other
abilities as well because

my basic understanding of
the spiritual aspect of

things is that it's really
just lifting your vibration.

And I guess that you would
do that in order to be

able to do the medical
intuitive side of things.

But then in the process
of lifting your vibration,

you've now got access to a
lot of other things as well.

So yeah, it makes perfect
sense that you'd be able

to do other things as well.

Now, was the access to the
spiritual communication side

of things, being able to
communicate with people that

have passed on, did that come
after you learned your medical

intuitive side of things?

Julie Ryan: I think it
came all together because

the information that I get
downloaded into my head

in the form of visuals,

and I get what I call
divine downloads.

So I get information
downloaded into my head.

I think it all comes together.

I think in the, I call
it the woo woo space.

In the woo woo space, we tend
to put things into silos,

like in the medical industry,
you're a cardiologist,

or a neurologist,
or a gynecologist.

In the woo woo space, you're
either a psychic, or you're

a healer, or you're a medium.

It's all the same thing.

It's all spirit.

It's all connecting in.

And you're absolutely right.

It's just a matter of raising
one's vibrational level, which

takes less than a nanosecond
to do it once you learn.

And that's what I
teach in my classes.

Rod Bland: Ah, so you actually
teach people how to develop

those abilities as well.

That was my next question.

Julie Ryan: Yeah, it's
a transfer of energy

from me to my students.

It's about 10% technique.

The rest of it's a
transfer of energy.

And so my students
come in where I play.

They're coming in at the
vibrational level where

I am, because that's
all I can transfer.

It's not like I tune a
dial on myself and go,

okay I want to send Rod 10
megahertz and I want to send

Susie 5 million megahertz.

I don't, if that's possible.

I don't know how to do it.

I just transfer energy
and then, what happens is

they all can do it, which
just blows their minds

right out of the gate.

All my classes have a
like a lecture portion

Q and A and lecture.

And then most of it's
practicum and they can all do

it right out at the beginning.

And it blows their minds.

But think about it.

We've all had situations
where we think of somebody

and we either get a call
from them or an email or a

text, or we run into them
and we say, oh my gosh, I

was just thinking of you.

What a coincidence.

That's not a coincidence.

That's your psychic
ability at work.

That's your intuition.

We've all had that happen.

That's what's going on.

Rod Bland: I'm a deeply
practical person, so

now I'm interested in
the practical process.

For example, someone like
me, so I have a condition

which I've had for 40 years
in my wrists and forearms,

where if I use a keyboard
for very long, like more

than say 20 minutes, they
start to really hurt.

Some people call it RSI and
I've had it for ages and the

only thing that's helped is
just not using the keyboard.

So I have all this gear
to do things with voice

and move my head for the
mouse and stuff like that.

So how would you approach
someone with a condition

like that as far as, looking
towards providing some sort

of healing or understanding
what the issue is?

Julie Ryan: You want me to do
a healing on you real fast?

Rod Bland: Oh, okay.

Yeah, sure.

Julie Ryan: Okay.

Yeah, let's do that.

Let's do show and tell, like
when we were little at school,

so I'm connecting into you.

I raised my vibrational
level takes me less

than a nanosecond.

I'm watching a laser
being in my mind's eye

come from my body here
in the Southeast U.S.

Going down to
you in Australia.

I've got a hologram of you
in my mind's eye and it's

going to your right arm.

1st, your right form.

Are you right handed?

Rod Bland: Yes.

Julie Ryan: Yeah.


And it looks to me like
the ligaments and that

the ligaments, maybe some
of the muscles, but I'm

getting more ligaments.

It looks like I can see the
ligament, but it has little

fibers coming off of it.

Have you ever seen
a little girl's hair

that has split ends?

Maybe long hair.

That's what it
looks like to me.

And so what I'm doing is I'm
applying stem cell energy,

which is a light amber
colored gel has sparkles

in it cause it's woo.

Gotta have sparkles.

So it can be fun and it has
a watery consistency to, it.

Reminds me of this hair gel
when I was growing up in

the sixties and seventies
called Dip Dippity Do.

I don't know if you guys had
that down there, but it was

before your time, obviously

Rod Bland: just slightly.


Julie Ryan: Slightly,
but I have young women,

especially in their twenties.

That'll send me an ad
from the 1960s or 70 for

dippity do, it's hilarious.

And so that's getting
slathered on all

those ligaments.

And then there's a vortex
spinning above your forearm.

And that centrifugal force is
what transforms the stem cell

energy into whatever we need.

Heals things, creates
new body parts.

This is the coolest
stuff ever, right?

Because it'll
regenerate whole organs.

I have watched it regenerate
livers and kidneys and

spleens and things like that.


And then those organs show
up on subsequent scans

at the doctors and the
doctors will sometimes call

me and they'll say, what
the heck are you doing?

And how does this stuff work?

And what I described to
them, what I, my response

is go back to your grade
school science lessons.

We learned every
cell has a nucleus.

Every nucleus is
surrounded by cytoplasm,

which is a watery gel.

Our bodies have a centrifugal
force that spins that

causes the cells to divide
and replicate to the tune

of billions of them a day.

That's what I'm watching
happen in my mind's

eye just in warp speed.

And so that's what I'm
working with on you.

So let's go over
to your left arm.

And we'll do the same
thing over there.

That's not it.

It looks like your right
arm's worse, which I would

imagine that it would be
because you're right handed.

And so same procedure.

Yeah, same procedure on
the left and spread that

stem cell energy on there.

There's a vortex spinning
above it and that's

regenerating those ligaments.

If the ligament has a bunch
of little cuts in it and

little like fibers sticking
up, they've all been smoothed

down and now they're being
healed so that they're

going to be in good shape.

A couple of things that
are interesting about this

number 1, my visuals come
in symbolically, and it's

intended to help integrate the
healing easier into your body.

And what I've learned over
these years of doing this

for all these years, Rod
is that symbols bypass the

conscious mind and go right
into the subconscious.

So it's going to integrate
more easily into your

body, the healing.

Number one.

Number two, nobody
heals anybody else.

We all heal ourselves.

So the healing has happened
on the energetic level.

Now it's up to your
spirit to integrate the

healing into your body.

And that can happen instantly.

It can take days,
weeks, months.

It may need some kind
of complimentary care

like physical therapy
or something in your,

like what you're doing,

you're giving your arms
a rest to let them heal,

but it's always the
spirit's prerogative to

utilize a healing in a way

that's going to best
facilitate whatever

that spirit's exploring.

And we don't know
the big picture.

You may come up with some
invention that revolutionizes

using keyboards that
helps prevent this for

people all over the world.

I'm an inventor.

So of course that's
where I go first.

I'm like, Ooh, what can
you come up with that?

It sounds like some people
have already started on that.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

It's something that I've
thought about often, actually.

What could I, the things
that I've learned, but the

technology still hasn't
really allowed, at least

not in my experience,
where it's still not.

straightforward process.

I can't use a computer with
the same sort of speed just by

using voice, et cetera, that
I could if I use my hands.

But I'm sure that there
are people who can't use

their hands that have
probably figured it out

better than what I have.

I like what you said
before about I don't know

if you follow, I forget
the name of the channel.

He channels an entity called
Bashar and he's talking about

having a permission slip.

So there's all these
techniques and things that

people learn, but in reality,
they're just a permission

slip for you to be able to do
what it is that your higher

self knows how to do anyway.

I get that's a little
bit the way you described

it as now it's up to my
spirit to actually allow

and integrate that healing.

Makes sense.

Julie Ryan: I have clients
all over the world and some

healings integrate instantly.

With some people.

Sometimes it takes days,
weeks, months, even years.

Sometimes people decide not
to integrate the healing.

Sometimes the healing
is death, which is

a big statement,
but that's the case.

The majority of the work
that I do is healing

related because that's
what people ask me to do.

I would say the next most
common thing is talking

with deceased loved ones
and also telling how close

to death somebody is.

Because I can scan a person
anywhere in the world and

I can tell how close to
death that person is if

they're in the dying process
and I can communicate

with them telepathically.

And there are three
questions I always ask Rod.

Are you ready to go?

Are you in pain?

What do you need?

And we get information that's
really helpful, not only

to the person who's dying,
but also to the family.

Rod Bland: So how do you
differentiate between

physical ailments and
energetic imbalances or are

they related when you're
assessing someone's health?

And could you explain how,
whether they're one in

the same thing or whether
they're two aspects and how

they influence each other?

Julie Ryan: It's as
I mentioned, it's

like I'm a human MRI.

So the energy goes to
the body parts that are

in most need of help.

And then I'll immediately
watch a healing happen.

There is always an emotional
component that's in place,

however, before any kind
of medical condition

manifests 100% of the time.

There's always an energy leak
in place before any kind of

medical condition arises.

And the energy leak is
caused by an energy block,

all Eastern medicine,
acupressure, acupuncture,

clear the block, get the Chi
to move, that whole concept.

And energy blocks are always
caused by an emotional

event, either in this life
or a past life and so how

I tell if there's an energy
leak is, the body is made of

energy and the body is inside
the spirit, which is the

everlasting part of us, which
is made of energy as well.

And then that's all
contained in what I call

the energy field membrane.

Now, that's the container.

It reminds me of really
thin, stretchy plastic wrap.

Like you'd see on a
tray of chicken breasts

from the grocery store.

You know how thin and
stretchy that stuff is.

When there's a tear or hole in
that, there's an energy leak.

I envisioned going into
that tear or hole and I'm

shown a scene and I'm given
a year and I'm given a

little bit of information.

If it's past life, we'll
get where it was, when

it was, what happened.

We'll correlate that with
how it resonates with the

person's current life.

If it's present life, I'll
get, okay, you were seven,

you fell on your bike, all
your buddies were laughing at

you, it hurt your feelings.

And we think that was no big
deal, but it was a big deal

to your seven year old self
when it happened and I'll

see it run the gamut Rod
from something like that,

that we look at as adults,
and we think that's no big

deal to my favorite story
of drama and trauma was I

had a woman from the UK on
my radar and she lived on in

Guernsey, which is an aisle,
and I saw her as a preteen

and I saw an explosion
behind her and I, this is

all in my mind's eye, it's
like I'm watching a movie.

And I said, does that
mean anything to you?

And she said, yeah, she
said, I was a victim

of an IRA bombing when
I was 12 and I spent 3

months in the hospital.

I said, okay, that counts as
something really dramatic.

So it can be anywhere
on that spectrum.

And then as soon as we
identify it, it eradicates

the energy block, which
looks like a little kernel

of unpopped popcorn to me.

It heals the energy
field membrane instantly.

The body goes back to working
on full power, helps the

body heal, helps the body
regain and maintain health.

Interesting analogy, because
obviously I like to talk

in analogies because it
gives our human minds a

frame of reference for
all this woo-woo stuff

that we're talking about.

My analogy for how all
this works Rod is imagine

going to the pet store
and buying a goldfish.

They're going to put it in
a plastic bag of water in

order for you to get it home.

If you have a picture of
that in your mind's eye.

The fish represents our
body, the water represents

our spirit, and the
plastic bag represents

our energy field membrane.

If there's a pinhole in that
plastic bag and water is

draining out a drop at a time,
for a long time, that fish

is going to be just fine.

However, when enough water
drains out, that fish is

going to be in trouble.

And that's what happens
to the human body.

So we fix that membrane,
that plastic bag.

Body goes back to
working on full power,

helps the body heal.

I think it's the most
important part of healing

because we can fix body
parts all day long.

But if you're leaking
power, what's the point?

Rod Bland: So I'm gonna
switch gears a little bit

to the communicating with
spirits living and deceased.

So how does that communication
manifest for you and has there

been a memorable experience
where you're connected with

the spirit and how did that
impact the person involved?

Julie Ryan: Yeah, I
do it all the time.

I talked to five clients today
and I think three of them, we

talked to deceased loved ones.

It's really fun, and it's
really interesting because

the stuff they come up
with is just mind boggling.

One that comes to mind
from this morning, I was

talking to a woman who had
lost her husband and she

said, can you send a sign
or what's the sign that I

know that you're around me?

And he said, look for
bluebells and she said,

bluebells, the ice cream?

It's a brand of ice cream here
in the South Southern U.S.

And he's showing me a
picture of these blue flowers

that I know are bluebells.

I said, no, he's talking
about the flower.

Spirit's really literal
and they're very specific.

And so it's important to
ask questions so that we can

get the clarity because our
interpretation of what they

say is going to be predicated
on our experiences, right?

But it may not be as
useful to us if we don't

get the correct meaning.

So how this works is raise my
vibrational level, nanosecond,

back to that and our heads
are big satellite dishes.

They receive and they
transmit frequencies.

Every spirit has a frequency
they keep throughout

all their lifetimes.

In order to connect with
the spirit, all you have

to do is think of them.

It doesn't matter whether
you know 'em or not, you

think of your deceased
granddad, you're right there.

You're on his frequency,
and it's like it opens

a two way radio so you
can communicate with him.

You want to talk to Elvis?

You want to talk
to Mother Teresa?

It doesn't matter.

You just think of them
and that connects your

satellite dish head to
their frequency, much like

tuning your radio in your
car to a channel to listen

to a certain type of music.

And then you just say
something to them either

aloud or in your head and
they're going to respond

and how you know it's their
response is it's going to come

in within a second or less.

Fast as you can snap
your fingers, you're

going to have an answer.

Or even before sometimes your
question or your statement

is even out all the way,
even before you've thought

out the thought all the way.

And that's because
time doesn't exist

in the spirit world.

Times a human creation.

So they've got your thought
before you've even thought

it out all the way sometimes,
and you'll get a response and

then you say something else
or you think something else

and they're gonna respond.

We all do it.

We just discount what we get.

We think, oh, that's
just my imagination or

my mind's playing tricks
on me or whatever.

No, it's the first
thing that comes in

and we're all doing it.

We're just not aware of it.

Rod Bland: All right.

Now, I want to ask
you about how you scan

animals and understand
their wellbeing and where

things aren't quite right.

Is there any differences
when it comes to scanning

animals apart from the
obvious and scanning people?

Julie Ryan: Nope.

All the same thing.

Connect to them.

I don't ask their
permission to scan them.

I only ask people their
permission to scan them.

But same way
connect in to them.

I watch a laser beam from
my body go to the animal.

And then whether I'm
with them or not, 99.

99999% of the time
it's done remotely.

I always say I could scan
you, Rod, if you were on

Mars, it doesn't matter.

I'd find you.

And communication
is the same too.

So you want to talk to
Fluffy your cat, you just

think of Fluffy, you go,
Hey Fluffy, are you hungry?

What do you want to eat?

She'll tell you what
she wants to eat.

And then it's again, it's that
first thing that comes into

your head as fast as you can
snap your fingers or before

and then clarify it with them.

The other thing that's
important to remember is that

all spirits are pure love.

So no spirits ever going to
say anything derogatory ever.

Every once in a while I'll
have somebody say I've

got these evil spirits
following me around and

they're saying all these
horrible things to me.

I'll say that's your brain.

That's your interpretation.

That's not spirit.

Spirit's pure love.

The snarkiness part of
people stays with the

body when somebody dies.

Rod Bland: Have you
had any particularly

memorable experiences
with people's pets?

Julie Ryan: One happened not
too long ago that was fun.

And it was of a horse.

This woman I was working with
her and her horse was lame.

And I said, yeah, it's
his back right leg.

And he needs his knees scoped,
whatever they call knees on

horses or some other name.

But they don't call it a knee.

They call it something else.

And so she took it to
a veterinary clinic

that was attached to a
very large university

veterinary hospital.

And she said, Trigger,
whatever the horse's

name is, Trigger needs
his back knee scoped.

He's got a torn
whatever I had told her.

And they looked at her
like lady you're just

nuts, what's your deal?

And so they checked
him out and guess what?

He got his knee scoped and
they were able to fix it.

So that was something fun.

I see pets all the time that
have different ailments and

different requests or behavior
that's less than optimal.

And so we talk to them
about that and they

tell us what they need.

I had one cat that told
me that it wanted a

heat lamp near its bed.

It had a little bed
and it was cold.

It was near a window and
the cat was requesting

some kind of a heat lamp.

And so they installed one
and the cat was thrilled.

Random stuff, these pets come
up with just random stuff.

The other thing that's really
funny about pets Rod, is

that they always want to
eat the junkiest food ever.

They'll say
fluffy's not eating.

What can I feed her?

And fluffy will say I
want little friskies.

Little friskies, like
the most awful food.

I'm just using
that as an example.

I don't know if it is, but,
the owner spending all this

money on all this fancy
food from the vet and the

cat wants the cheapest,
most delicious junk food

from the regular store.

And that's pretty universal.

They all want more treats too.

That's pretty
universal as well.

Rod Bland: Let me ask you
about in your bio on your

website, you're talking
about ghost removals

from homes and buildings.

How does that work and
how do you, it seems like

a lot of the time this is
actually something that's

attached to a person rather
than a spirit itself.

So have you had any
particularly challenging

or unique cases in
your work in that area?

Julie Ryan: Yeah.

I have a whole chapter
in my book, Angelic

Attendants about it.

And there was a train wreck
and that happened at the

turn of the 20th century.

And so I could see
this whole scene.

And I was in this building
and there were all these

ghosts that were there and
I, so I tell the whole scene

in the book, but ghosts
don't know they're dead.

And I wonder if this is
what the Catholic church

calls limbo if they're
like my experience and it's

been my experience is that
when we die, we all are

carried to heaven by angels.

We're all escorted
by angels to heaven.

But then I believe that
there are some spirits that

want to be in that limbo
in that in between space.

They want to experience
what's it like to continue

to have the human experience
just in spirit form.

And they're still
working through things.

So what I've done many times
is brought in another spirit

who is maybe a family member
of that ghost and beckon

them to come with them into
heaven, into the light.

So they're not evil spirits.

They just don't
know they're dead.

One of my favorite stories
is about this happened

actually at my daughter in
law's grandmother's home and

this was several years ago.

She and my son weren't
married yet, but they

were there for a holiday.

It was Thanksgiving here and
her mom and her aunt and her

grandmother, and she were
all in grandma's kitchen and

they were cooking and her
grandmother had these antique

spoons and different kitchen
tools that were hanging on the

wall on the side of a cabinet.

And they all saw it
and the spoons came

off the hook and landed

on the countertop
on their own.

What the heck?

How did that happen?

And of course, they're
on the phone with me

saying, can you scan this?

What's going on here?

And so I did, and this
was the next day, after

the holiday was over.

And so I scanned it, and
what I saw was I saw a

man and his son who was a
Confederate soldier during

the American Civil War,
and they were looking for

this soldier's daughter.

The soldier had died in
battle, and they were looking

for this little girl of
the soldier and they gave

me their name and the dad
looked like a farmer Rod.

And he said, this is my farm.

This is my property.

And so I, we, I helped
him find his daughter.

We brought the
daughter spirit in.

So he found his
daughter's spirit, who

was already in heaven.

And then a couple of days
later, one of the grandsons

was able to validate that
was the family name, that

was originally a farm,
here's when they lived here.

Here's the son whose
name we got when I was

communicating with them.

Here's when he died
in the civil war.

And here's where he died.

All that kind of stuff.

So it's really fun when we
can corroborate historic

information online with
the information that we

received from spirit.

That happens a lot with
past lives as well.

Rod Bland: So tell us
a little bit more about

how accessing past lives
work and have you got any

interesting experiences there?

Julie Ryan: I do.

I do.

I am an entrepreneur,
as I mentioned.

So of course I have to do
things a little differently.

Most people do past
lives with hypnotism.

I'm just cut to the chase.

What's the bottom line here?

So I didn't learn this
technique it came in for

me after I'd been doing
the woo woo for a while.

But I envisioned myself in
this endless hallway and

it's very narrow walls, very
tall ceiling, maybe 40 feet

tall and on the walls are
big square mirrors, 12 inch

by 12 inch, lined perfectly
horizontally, vertically and

horizontally as far as the
eye can see in the distance.

I can't even see the
specs, you know, it's far.

So I'll ask a question and
I'll say, okay, does Rod

have any past lives that are
affecting his current life and

his issues with his forearms?

As an example, and then the
mirrors that correlate with

that question Rod will come
out from the wall as if

they're on a hydraulic arm
and then I'll say, show me the

one that correlates the most.

And that one will
come out the farthest.

And then I'll envision walking
into the mirror like I'm

walking into a scene of a
movie and I'll be given where

it was, when it was, a little
bit about what happened.

And then we'll be able
to see if that resonates

and it always does with
whatever you've got

going on in a past life.

So as soon as we do that,
it helps whatever's going

on heal, whether that
be emotional or medical.

And it's always fascinating
to see what we come up with

when it comes to past lives.

I had a client recently,
actually, this was during

one of my classes, a student,
and we got that he was an

RAF pilot in world war two.

And we got what his name
was and where he was

from and where he died.

He died in a crash
and all that.

And so during one of the
breaks, he was able to

look the information up.

He found everything online.

It was all validated
with historic documents.

So that's always fun
when that happens.

Rod Bland: And is that a
fairly quick process as well?

Cause I know with some people
who do past life experiences

like there's initial getting
people used to getting into

a trance state, that sounds
like that's not how you do

things, it's much faster.

Julie Ryan: No, it's instant.

It's pretty much
what's our question.

Let's get in the hallway.

Let's do it.

Like I said, I'm
a business woman.

I want to know what's
the answer here.

And I'll need to, I'll need
to do all the, don't have to

twirl three times, put your
left hand in the air and raise

your right, your right foot
and say some incantation.

No, you raise your
vibrational, we go to it.


Get the answers, we move on.

So when I'm working with
a client over an hour

period we're covering
a lot of territory.

We can do medical, we
can do pet, we can do

past life, we can talk
to deceased loved ones.

We can do all this
different kind of thing.

I had a woman this morning
and we were talking with

her mother and she had
three miscarriages and

she wanted to know if her
mother was with her babies.

And the mother showed
me the babies that were

maybe three and four
year olds at that point.

And they were all holding
hands and they were twirling

in a circle, like ring
around the rosie, that game.

And she was singing the
Frere Jacques to them.

She was teaching them
the Frere Jacques song.

And my client said,
oh, no surprise there.

And I said, why?

And she said, because that was
our favorite song as children.

We sang it all the time.

She taught it to
us as children.

She said, I love that she's
teaching that to my babies.

So spirit's going to
show us and give us

information that's going to
resonate with that person.

And it's going to
make sense to them.

The other thing that's
important when talking to

spirit, I think it's really
important to remember Rod

that they're going to give
us information, and even

if it doesn't make sense
to us at that moment, it

may make sense to us later
on, and it may be something

that hasn't happened yet.

An example of that is I was
working with a woman and

we were talking with her
deceased husband who was

recently deceased and she was
saying he doesn't give me any

signs that he's around me.

Can he let me know he's around
me and he told me to tell

her to look for a peacock.

Look for the peacock
is what he said.

She said, look
for the peacock?

I live in Boston.

There aren't any
peacocks here.

What's he talking about?

So we finished the appointment
and within five minutes of

hanging up with her, Rod, she
sent me an email and she said,

I went on my Facebook page and
the first thing that showed

up was this huge picture
of a full color peacock.

And I said there you go.

That's him letting you
know that he's around you

and it's something that
hadn't happened yet, but it

happened quickly thereafter.

So the stories are
endless on different

situations like that.

Rod Bland: So your ability to
determine how close someone

is to death is interesting.

I can imagine that
relatives may not want

to know if someone's
close to death sometimes,

or people themselves.

So can you shed some light on
how you perceive and interpret

that information, and how
you handle the delicate

aspect of people being
close to death when they may

not realize that they are.

Julie Ryan: Good question.

First of all, I don't
work with families who

don't ask for my help.

There's no reason for
me to volunteer that

unless I'm asked.

And I'm usually
asked number 1.

Number 2, I don't edit
anything that I get if I'm

scanning somebody medically.

And there have been a handful
of times over the years

where somebody is dying.

And I tell them, I don't edit
anything I get because first

of all, I'm the messenger.

It's spirit working through
me and with me to help that

person facilitate healing.

And secondly, who
am I to decide what

somebody needs to hear?

I believe if I'm getting the
information, the person's

supposed to hear it.

And I deliver that with
compassion obviously.

I'm not going to say, Oh,
by the way, you're dying

and you know, you got this
whole this long to live.

Obviously there needs
to be compassion as

part of the equation.

So what I do is I'll connect
to somebody, if I'm going to

do a medical scan for them,
and then I can tell how close

to death a person is by a
configuration of angels,

deceased loved ones, spirits,
and the spirits of deceased

pets that are surrounding
the person who's dying.

I call this the 12
phases of transition.

And there's a chart of this on
my website, askjulieryan.com.

Just go to the 12 phases tab.

It's a free download.

If you have somebody that
you believe is dying or,

you have a loved one who's
dying, go download that chart.

And then you just ask what
phase of transition is

my granddad in and you're
going to hear a number

between 1 and 12, and then
you can refer to the chart.

A number is going to
come in instantly.

People that haven't learned
how to do woo-woo do this all

day long because I just say,
just ask, you're going to hear

a number in your head and then
you can look at the chart.

And so it adds an interesting
perspective in what's

normally a heart wrenching
experience in that there's

a glorious component to it.

The other thing that's
interesting about the 12

phases of transition is
there's university based

research that shows that 90%
of people at the end of their

lives see spirits of deceased
loved ones and pets as

they're in the dying process.

Talk to any hospice
medical provider.

Talk to any critical care
medical provider, emergency

room provider, they will all
have endless stories about,

yeah, my dad was seeing his
mom and she'd been dead for

80 years or my mom could smell
her mom's perfume and her mom

had been dead for 30 years.

Oftentimes we think
grandma's hallucinating

because grandma's talking
to her deceased mother.

Grandma's not hallucinating.

Grandma can see her
deceased mother because

as grandma's transitioning
more of the spirit takes

place, less of the body.

So that's what happens.

It's what an honor and a
privilege it is for me to work

with families who have a loved
one at the end of their lives.

Rod Bland: So when you're
doing this scanning, is

it something that wears
you out after a time?

Or is it something that
energizes you or has

that evolved over time?

Julie Ryan: Energizes me.

I'm wired.

I do a call in show
every week called the

Ask Julie Ryan show.

And we release it on
Friday mornings on YouTube

and on all the podcast
platforms, and people call

in from all over and ask
me about any one of those

different categories that
we've just been discussing.

And at the end of that,
I need to calm down

because I'm wired.

I'm bee-boppin' all over
would usually get 10

or so people on and get
their questions answered.

And, they could be in
America or they can be

abroad and and it's just,
no, it's really fun.

And at the end of the day
it's nighttime here for me.

What time is it?

It's almost 8 PM here.

And I've worked with
five clients today.

So five hours were the
clients and you and

I'm still raring to go.

So no, it's very it's
energizing and it's fun.

That's the big thing is people
that, especially that take my

classes say, you always tell
us that it's fun and I want

to do it because I want to
learn how to do this stuff.

But then the thing that
they don't believe me

about, but they figure out
is this is so much fun.

It's just a blast because
spirit's pure love

and pure love is fun.

And I think part of the
reason why I see all

these crazy analogies.

Like a goldfish in a bag or
dippity do hair gel, or I may

tell somebody that they're
ligaments in their forearms

look like a little girl
split ends on her long hair.

All these crazy analogies
come in that give us a

metaphor that we can use
in our human frame of

reference and they're funny.

And there were times early on
Rod where I'd get a picture

in my mind's eye, and I'd
say, really, you really want

me to tell him that his elbow
looks like whipped cream?

Or really?

You want me to tell her that?

And it, but the thing that
I hear over and over again

is I have people tell me,
you describe this stuff

way better than any doctor
I've ever gotten to, but

then I'll say it's just
how it comes into me.

And I just give them
what I'm seeing.

They get it.

It, again, bypasses the
conscious mind that's

going, oh, this energy
thing can't work.

I don't believe this.

You've got to prove it to me.

That's the conscious mind.

And they're going right
into ok, the ligaments in

my forearms look like a
little girl's split ends.

When I'm describing it you're
not going to be thinking

about a pink elephant.

You're going to be
thinking about a little

girl split ends, right?

So it's bypassing your
conscious mind and going

right in and it helps
integrate the healing.

Rod Bland: So do you often
have people asking about

directions that they're
considering taking in life

or perhaps new hobbies or
things that they're thinking

about doing that perhaps they
haven't done anything about?

I'll give you a specific
example cause it's a

strange one from me.

I haven't had an interest
in anything to do with Ouija

boards or anything like
that up until this point.

But then I was reading a book
about a channel a while ago

and it really just hit me like
a slap in the face that you

need to get a Ouija board.

And then my birthday is
coming up and my wife

said, what would you like?

And I said, can you
get me a Ouija board?

And she goes, what?

And she she's used to this
sort of thing from me.

So I don't have one yet,
but I think about it

a lot and I can't wait
till I actually get one.

And I have no idea where
this is going to go, but

what's your thoughts on that?

And do you often have
people ask you sort of

these pretty out there
questions as to things they

want to do with their life?

Julie Ryan: All the time.

Every day working
with clients.

Ouija board.

I did a blog on this and the
Ouija board is was the biggest

selling game for decades.


Milton Bradley's the
company that makes it and

Ouija boards are patented.

They got the Ouija
board patented.

I have a bunch of patents
for medical devices.

I know what's involved to
prove that your device works.

So I often think, what did
they do with the patent

office to demonstrate that
the Ouija board really worked?

So that's number 1.

Number 2, the Ouija board
was something that everybody

loved and it was a parlor
game and when it became had

a little bit of a sinister
connection to it was when

the movie The Exorcist
was released in the 1970s,

Rod Bland: Yeah.

All right.

Julie Ryan: because that was
in the script and since then

people thought, oh, the Ouija
board's evil, you don't want

to use that evil spirits
are coming in and blah.

Evil spirits don't exist.

That was created by religions
and cultures and civilizations

to control the masses
throughout the generations.

But I'll be eager to hear
what you think of it.

We had a Ouija board
when I was growing up.

It was blast.

Rod Bland: I never had
when I was growing up

and people, like you just
mentioned, they go, really?

They automatically go
to the exorcist, but, it

doesn't enter my mind.

I think I look at it as it's
like a permission slip that

I mentioned before where
it's a access to be able to

then lift your vibration up
and see what comes through.

And I don't know, I
guess that's just part of

Julie Ryan: it's a tool.

It's a tool to help
you learn how to

communicate with spirit.

Since the beginning of time
pendulums have been used

and in a lot of cultures
it was they were used a

lot on pregnant women to
find out the sex of the

baby long before sonograms.

And so they'd say is the baby
a boy and the pendulum would

spin a certain direction if
it was a yes and spin another

direction if it was a no.

I think if it goes, if
it spins in a clockwise

direction and spins
really fast, that's a yes.

If it goes clockwise or goes
side to side, it's a no.

If it's still, it means
that you're not supposed

to know the answer.

I'm trying to remember.

I haven't seen one of those
used in a long time, but

again, it's a tool to help
somebody learn how to do this.

And eventually you're
getting the answers in your

head before the pendulum's
giving you an answer.

So it's validation that the
answer in your head is good.

And then I'm all
about practice.

The more you do this, the
more validation you get, the

more validation you get, the
more you learn to trust it.

And then it's just
second nature.

It's just, boom, you're
off to the races.

It's just instant.

Rod Bland: Yeah, I'm going
to see where that one goes.

I've given up wanting
things to be a

particular way in life.

I think that's what
happens when you get

into your fifties.

You just go, okay, let's just
see where this actually goes

and not get too hung up on
what the outcome should be.

It will be interesting.

All right.

So I have one final question
as to how your your psychic

intuitive abilities have
informed your work as

an entrepreneur as well.

Did one inform the
other over time?

Julie Ryan: No, my
inventions were all before

I learned how to do woo woo.

I've had several companies
that I've started since I

started studying this stuff.

And back when I started,
people would say to me why

are you learning this stuff?

Why are you going to class?

I said, I don't know.

It's just interesting.

What are you going
to do with that?

I don't know.

I have no idea.

Why are you spending
the time and the money?

I honest to god don't know.

30 years later here I am
doing this as a career.

I've sold several
of the companies.

I'm thinking, okay, now
what am I going to do next?

And I was led to write my
Angelica Attendants book.

Which is a fun story, I'll
come back to that in a

second if we have time.

And and so people say to me
now what are your goals with

your ask Julie Ryan business?

I say, I don't know,
I don't have any.

They'll say how can
you not have any?

You're a business woman.

I was all about business
plans and measurables and

how are we doing, how are
we going to increase sales?

All that kind of stuff.

And now, to your
point earlier, Rod,

it's just unfolds.

I have an idea, I check it
out, okay maybe we'll do

that and then it works and
then I'll think of something

else to do and we'll do that.

And that's how everything has
come about in the past 5 or

6 years with the Ask Julie
Ryan brand is something comes

up and then I'm, I will check
in and I'll say to spirit ,am

I, am I supposed to do this?

And I'll hear
something in my head.


Yeah, duh.

And then I'll say I don't
know how to do that.

Sometimes I get marketing
plans downloaded into

my head from spirit.

I call that divine
downloads and I don't

know how it's going to go.

We just take a step at
a time and all of the

puzzles come together.

My book, Angelica Attendants,
man, do I have time for that

Rod Bland: Yeah.



So tell us about your book
and then tell us about,

what, all the other stuff
you've got going on.

Julie Ryan: Yeah, cool!

Angelica Attendants,
I have props.

What really happens
is we transition from

this life to the next.

See, I can be like a game
show hostess right here.

It has these charts
inside that you can

get on my website.

Anybody that wants this book,
it's what happens as we're,

as somebody's dying, how
we're surrounded by angels

and deceased loved ones.

It has a bunch of great
stories in there of

families with whom I work.

Just go to julieryangift.


We'll send you a free
copy, digital and

audio book version.

Julie Ryan gift dot com.

So how this came about was
first time I saw the what I

come to call the 12 phases
of transition was when my

own mother was dying in 2002.

And then after she passed,
I saw it with several

other people who were
dying and I thought,

okay, this is a thing.

One day I'm with my mentor,
Susan, and when she's doing

an energetic healing on
me Rod, I'm laying face

up on a massage table.

I got a blankie on me
and my head's on a pillow

and I'm comfy and cozy.

And my deceased loved
one spirits line both

sides of the table.

So everybody in my
family, even my deceased

dog, her spirits there.

So one day this dead Pope
shows up in his whole Pope

outfit, the hat, the staff,
the whole nine yards.

And I said, who are you?

And my Susan
could see him too.

And I said, who are you?

And he said, I'm Clement
and I said, I never

heard of Pope Clement.

I went through 12 years
of Catholic schools.

I thought I'd never
heard of Pope Clement.

He said yeah, he laughed.

He said, yeah, I
was number six.

I said, okay, great.

How may I help you?

Why are you here?

And he said, you're supposed
to teach the world what

happens when somebody dies.

And I said, I'm
not doing that.

I'm a business woman.

People will think I'm nuts.

He goes yeah whatever.

Just get on with it.

And he said, no, seriously,
people are so afraid of

dying because they, it's
just been bastardized through

the ages and that's part
of your role here on earth.

Everything you've done has led
you to this place where you

have the ability to do this.

So just get on with it.

I said, yeah, probably not.

Thanks for stopping
by kind of a thing.

So Rod, I left a few minutes
later, I'm in my car, pull

out my phone and I just
did an internet search on

Pope Clement the sixth.

Well come to find out this
guy was in office during

the black plague, when two
thirds of Europe died, and

he's best known for his
prayers for the dying and

his prayers for the dead.

And I thought, Ryan, you
just can't make that up.

I never heard of the guy.

And so he's been my main
spirit guide ever since.

And he treats me
like a Nike ad.

He just tells me just do it.

And I've learned over
the years with him.

Who else is going to
argue with a dead Pope?

I argued with him early on,
but he was right every time.

Jeez, surprise there.

But he'll tell me, he doesn't
tell me to do things, but I'll

ask for his opinion on things.

And he's a smart aleck.

He'll say, yeah duh.

And then I'll say, okay
this is what I'm thinking.

Boom boom.

And then he'll
say yeah, do that.

Do this, whatever.

And I follow it and it always,
it always just works out.

So it's been really fun to
collaborate with a dead Pope,

who's my main spirit guide.

Rod Bland: I'm sure many
Catholic people would like

to have that sort of access.

I guess it's available, right?

Julie Ryan: They all do.

That's right.

And that's a really good point
because we all have access

to universal intelligence.

We think we have to be
dead to have access.

We don't.

You ask a question,
that answer's gonna come

in as fast as you can.

Snap your fingers on anything.

Rod Bland: Julie, thank
you for doing what you do.

I'll put in the show notes
links to your website and

all of your books and so on.

And the julieryangift.

com so people can download
that if they want to.

Have you got any final
messages for people who

will be watching this video.

Julie Ryan: Just everything's
at, ask julie ryan.com.

My show, we do an interview
and a call-in show.

We release two a week.

They're all on all the
podcast channels on

YouTube as well, so love
to have you look at those.

Everything you wanna know
is at askjulieryan.com.

Rod Bland: Julie, thank you
for everything you do, as I

said before, and thank you
for being a guest on my show.

Julie Ryan: My honor.

Thank you for having me.

UC18: A Dead Pope Became My Spirit Guide & Told Me to Teach About Death
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