UC 36: The Struggles of a Trance Channeler Trying to Understand His Gifts - Riz Mirza

Riz Mirza: You see, you
cannot have a transformation

in your life if you do not
transform your reactions.

And the way to transform
your reactions is to work

on your core beliefs.

People say, my core belief
is I believe in God.

I believe in this or that.

All right, but you
have to look further.

Describe your God.

Are you living
those principles?

Rod Bland: I'd like to
welcome to the show Riz Mirza.

Thanks for being here, Riz.

It's great to have you.

Riz Mirza: I'm so
happy to be here.

And, um, I, I'm so fascinated
with Australia and I'm so glad

to be doing this show there
because it is, there's like

a vort, there's a vortex.

I've always felt that,
especially with the

Aborigine culture and my
experiences in Australia

have been very fascinating.

Maybe we'll get to share
some of those today.

Rod Bland: We were just
talking before how you

visited Margaret River and I
grew up in the bush, really

outback bush in Western, so
Southwest Western Australia.

You know, I did my year
11 and 12 via School of

the Air, you know, back
at home on the farm.

So I knew kids, knew kids
that lived in Margaret River

while I was there, but it's
a very, um, it's a very

pristine place as far as the
coast, the coastline goes.

So I can, I can
understand this sort

of spiritual connection
that people have with

Riz Mirza: There is, and
I feel that, you know,

the more and more I've
been doing this work for

20 years, this lifetime,

I started, I was born in
New York City, born in

Harlem and, and raised
in the Bronx in New York.

My parents came from India and
the last thing I ever thought

I would be doing would be a
trance channel medium doing

this for the rest of my life.

And everything started
with a sensitivity.

And I believe that that's a
big part of my work is that

helping people to understand
that your sensitivity is

actually your strength,
the greatest artists, the

greatest thinkers, the
greatest visionaries, all of

them were able to create what
they created, whether it was

a song, a painting, a dance,
a play, a movie, a speech.

Because they were
sensitive and it was their

sensitivity that got them
to where they reached.

We tend to overthink our
sensitivities now, where

either we second guess if
we have intuition or we

are more in our sensitive
negative emotions.

So when we're upset, so a
lot of people, and I've been

seeing this the last decade,
a lot of students, uh, that

I've come to me have been
coming who are empaths.

And I believe that there are
a lot of empaths that are,

that are being incarnated in
this particular generation

in Gen Z and the millennials.

And there is a great
change happening.

There's no denying that.

Rod Bland: When you said
sensitive it made me think

of my brother actually, I've
got a brother who's two years

younger and he was a highly
sensitive individual like,

you know, on the farm, death
is part, life and death is

pretty much something you're
introduced to at a very young

age with animals and I can
remember that there was Yes.


You know, we used to, all
of it, most of our food,

probably 95 percent of it
actually came from the farm

, lived a long way out.

So, you know, meat, that sort
of thing, we would, we would,

uh, kill our own animals.

So, but, and sometimes
those animals were

animals that we'd raised.

And I can remember this
one particular time, how,

you know, and dad, that was
something dad took care of.

We were kind of, weren't
really exposed to it that

much, but he knew that that
animal had been killed.

And it really,
really shook him.

He was very sensitive and I
don't think his sensitivity

was something that mom
and dad really understood.

I think they obviously did
the best that they could, but

he was, I wasn't the same.

And so, but that sensitivity
was something that was a

bit almost foreign to them.

And it's kind of makes me
wonder when you, when you

say that, you know, whether
that's, that was this

something else about him that
maybe wasn't able to blossom.

And, um, yeah, this is
something that made me think

Riz Mirza: It's never
too late, though.

Rod Bland: Yeah,

Riz Mirza: It's
never too late.

I'm very much interested
in the success stories of

people over 40, over 50.

I love all success stories.

So if somebody makes
it at 18 or 20, I'm

like, wow, look at you.

You did this at 18 or 20.

But think about it.

To make it.

Which simply means that you
find your full expression.

That's what making it is
to me, that you found your

full expression of yourself.

And a lot of the time when
people come to mediums,

because I'm a trance channel,
but I'm also a psychic

medium, a lot of my work is
giving readings day to day.

And that, that phenomenon
has never failed to

amaze me, never ceases
to amaze me because I

believe that we live in an
incredible unknown reality.

I don't think anyone can
know the totality of reality,

but I do believe that there
are people who have traveled

further down the path
exploring different states of

consciousness, having these
experiences in their pocket,

so to speak, and they come
back from their path and

give it to us and say, let
me just tell you what I saw.

I consider myself
one of those people.

I have traveled astrally.

One may say a trance channel
is really just a conduit.

I am, I find a way to be an
empty vessel to allow the

spirit guides to come through.

Now, who are the
spirit guides?

Are spirit guides real?

I tell people, You know,
once we get into the matter

of belief, it's really about
what you're raised in with the

traditions you're raised in.

Some people will believe in
angels, but not spirit guides.

Some people will believe in
spirit guides, but not angels.

Some people don't
believe in any of it.

They just think it's
yourself that's talking.

I am not ever in the business
of trying to convince anyone

of anything except for the
validity of their own soul.

That's the only thing I'm ever
trying to convince anyone in

my work, the freedom and the
validity of your own soul.

Which is what you are.

You are the soul.

So when it comes to spirit
guides, I say, why don't

you pay attention more to
the message, and run it

through your database, run
it through your filters,

and see if this doesn't
activate you in some way.

Because people tend to
listen with their eyes.

For example, if someone,
right, for me, when I stepped

into the world of the psychic
world or the channeling world,

there weren't a lot of dark
skinned people, there was

certainly not some six foot
three, 230 pound guy wearing

eyeliner and a Mohawk, you
know, it wasn't, it wasn't

around and people were,
people shunned it, people

didn't want to hear about it.

They're like that guy, I mean,
he doesn't fit into this.

He's supposed to be
wearing white and he's

supposed to, you know
what I'm saying, right?

But to me, the universe
is far more interesting.

That which those people who
are unafraid to be themselves

are what interest me just
in my own personal life.

Could be just walking
down the street.

I'm interested in
honest expression.

And that's my
perception, right?

We're living in a
world of perception.

How we are perceiving
what occurs dictates the

emotions that we feel.

If you get fired from your
job, you can focus on the

feeling of being insulted
that they don't want you,

or you can focus on, oh my
god, something unknown is

calling me to it, which is
better than where I am now.

So, it is your reactions
that create your reality.

Sometimes people say,
It's your beliefs.

I understand that.

It's your thoughts.

But let's be more specific.

It's your reactions.

Your internal reactions
create your reality.

The universe, whatever
that is, do you call

it the planets, the
stars, and the galaxies?

Is that the universe
we're talking about?

When someone says, why is the
universe doing this to me?

I always like to say, if the,
if that word is confusing

you, the universe, And you
keep thinking of Saturn

or Andromeda galaxies.

That's not the universe
we're talking about.

So I say, let's replace the
word, the universe and replace

it with my future self.

So the teaching is why is the
universe doing this to me?

It is, why is my future
self creating this for me?

I want to explore that.

So I consider
myself an explorer.

Even though I'm a shaman,
a teacher, an author, and

all those titles that people
like to put on you, or don't

like to put on you, I still
think that we're explorers.

So when I channel, which
I'm going to do for you guys

today, it is about, um, you
know, if you allow things

to land, they will land.

We're at a point in history
now that some may say,

this is crucial, this
is different than any

other time in history.

I saw a meme today.

Uh, do you remember there was
a TV show on in the nineties

called the Wonder Years?

Rod Bland: uh, yep, that,
did that, the Michael J Fox.

Riz Mirza: No.

Um, this was a show that
Fred Savage was the lead.

It was about a

Rod Bland: Oh yeah,
yes, yes, yes.

I'm thinking of family ties.


I'm, I'm in

the fifth, my fifties too.

Riz Mirza: He's a God to me.


So that show came out,

I think 1988 and
took place in 1968.

And it was as if we were
watching another planet.

When we were in 1988,
watching that show, it

was like, Oh my God, 1968.

That's like a show
coming out today that

takes place in 2004.

And we're supposed to be
super nostalgic during it.

It's the same, same
difference, 20 years.

I think time has changed.

The difference between
1968 and 1988 is far more

profound than the difference
between 2004 and 2024.

Of course there are
changes, but we still

had internet in 2004.

So, we are at a very
interesting time because it's

not so much about, believe
it or not, the technology,

and AI and all those
things we could get into.

It is about inner
technology now.

What are we seeing?

We're seeing TikTok with
14 year olds, 15 year olds,

16 year olds, 9 year olds
talking about auras, what

their sign is, what their
moon sign is, what are

dimensions, what are past
lives, what are spirit guides,

what's my spirit animal?

If you don't believe me,
go to TikTok, type in

hashtag spiritual TikTok.

You're going to see
all these young people

exploring these topics.

So what is happening?

You have the crowd that says
this is the tinfoil hat crowd.

A lot of those things are
now true, coming true.

Ten years ago, they were
laughing about, oh, aliens

are visiting us, and
now it's in the Senate.

Now there are Senate
hearings in this country,

where military men,
where fighter pilots, who

are very well versed in
science, and are coming with

videos of radar of UFOs.

And so the Senate has
to have a panel now.

Ten years ago, people
thought that was crazy.

Look where we are.

Where will we be
ten years from now?

Where was this a
hundred years ago?

Where was it?

When people say, what do
you mean, where was it?

I say, if you took this
iPhone, and me and you,

and you who's watching
this podcast, travel back

to the time of, let's
say, Abraham Lincoln, we

just, that's not that long
ago, we have photographs

of Lincoln, correct?

Rod Bland: Right.

Riz Mirza: Let's say we go
back, we pop up in the Oval

Office, and we say, Mr.

President, we're
here from the future.

He'd say, oh,
interesting clothes.

You would say, yeah.

But we came to, uh,
show you something.

What is that?

Looks like a piece
of glass and iron.

It is actually, sir.

Uh, would you like to see the
sperm entering the uterus?

And becoming an
embryo, because we can

show it to you here.

You get the drift.

Imagine what his reaction,
remember he's one of the most

intelligent men of his time.

One of the most
level headed men.

What do you think he think,
he would think this is?

Magic, certainly.

By the way, sir, he'd say,
how is that, how are you

showing me these things?

Like, would you like to see
the Great Wall of China?

Would you like to see the
Taj Mahal inside right now?

Would you like to go and
see the plasma of the earth?

We can show you some of that.

How about under the sea?

We can show you a
starfish that is 30, 000

feet down in real time.

He would say, well, what kind
of voodoo or magic is this?

We'd say, no, actually,
it's technology.

He'd say, well, you
must be from 10, 000

years in the future.

We'd say, no, actually,
we're just maybe 150.

Well, you must be from a
different planet, though.

Actually, sir, we're from
right around the corner

here in Virginia or
Illinois, wherever we are.

He'd be like, what
are you talking about?

How is that box having
those pictures and sounds?

And we would say, honestly,
sir, this little box is

talking to another box
flying around the planet.

He'd say, there's a man in a
box flying around a planet.

And we would say,
no, actually.

That box is called
a satellite.

There's no, there's no
one in there, but we

control it from here.

Do you know how long it
would take for you to

explain to him about signals?

About vibration?

About frequencies?

Invisible waves?

Silent waves?

So my voice goes in here and
this thing makes it silent,

throws it across in the air.

A satellite catches it intact.

And then gives it to you
right now where you are.

That's what's
happening right now.

You guys who are
watching this, this is

happening right now.

So what does this have
to do with spirit guides?

Well, it has to do with
the world of fascination.

The fact that this is
incredible, but you

live with this reality.

You don't find that
strange because you

call it technology.

What if I told you
that channeling is a

kind of technology?

Lincoln didn't believe
this was technology.

He thought this
was voodoo magic.

And you still explained it
to him in scientific terms,

and he still would have
trouble believing it's true.

The last thing
Lincoln would ask you.

As you'd say, okay, I
believe you, but where did

you get these materials?

They're not from this planet.

And we'd say, actually,
sir, they're right in

those hills right there.

They're under your
feet right now.

You just have to know
how to extract them

from where you stand.

And so this is the crux of
what I'm channeling or what

I'm teaching for all these
years is that every resource

you need to advance your
inner technology is under

your feet right now, or in
front of your face right

now, wherever you look, if
you are sensitive, you will

find and receive logical
navigational, I want to say

frequencies, meridians that
lead you to the next answer.

And that'll lead you to the
next answer because you're

never going to be done.

So what does it have
to do with channeling?

Let's go back.

Every culture has told you
whether it's an indigenous

culture, tribal, or even
religious cultures have told

you of beings that exist,
they're called archangels.

In Islam, they're called,
some people call them angels.

Some people call them djinn.

Djinn are like.

That's where the word
genie comes from.

So every culture, whether
it is Abrahamic or tribal

indigenous, has told you
that you are not alone.

That there are
spirits with you.

Some are very good and
helpful and some not so much.

I call them spirit guides.

So, well, how do
you hear them?

Uh, you might say that,
you know, a dog can

hear a dog whistle.

You blow a dog

whistle, the dog will go.

What is that?

You're not going
to hear anything.

a dog's inner technology
is extremely sensitive

to frequencies beyond
the capacity of your ear.

Not its ear, but your ear.

What about a
masterful painter?

Studies have been done that
master painters see 300 times

more color than you and I
when they see a painting.

They'll look at a painting
that looks completely brown

in shades of brown to you
and I, and the master painter

will say, actually, there's
a lot of blue in here I see

where how they use the blue.

And we'll be like, what
is he talking about?

It's like the, the first
time my mom was baking a cake

in the house and I was so
excited, except when I saw

her pull out the salt and
I said, what are you doing?

I don't want, I don't want
no salty cake, She looked

at me, she said, you have
to put salt in the cake.

I said, no, no, no.

I don't want no salty cake.

And she's like, sit down.

You have to have salt.

It won't taste like anything
if you don't have salt.

But you're not gonna
taste the salt.

I'm not gonna taste the salt,
but I'm but the salt is gonna

make me taste everything else?


Well, that sounds magical.

It's magical.

Let's not get into
salts are also crystals.

That's a whole
other discussion.

So, channelers, imagine.

So today I'm gonna go
into trance, you're gonna

see my head go down,
a different voice is

going to come out of me.

Yes, the guides have
their own way of speaking.

They have accents.

They have interesting things.

I don't make this up.

I just work here.

Just, I don't make the rules.

They just come
through me that way.

What can I say?

So, imagine now, all the
channelers that you see.

You guys who are watching,
maybe you're familiar

with some channelers.

Look up Jane Roberts
from the 60s.

The great, late
great Jane Roberts.

Look up Daryl Anka
who channels Bashar.

Look up Esther Hicks
who channels Abraham.

There's a few very good
channelers out there.

I think just a handful
actually who are full trance

channels, but now imagine
that 200 years from now,

remember the 200 years
thing, 200 years from now,

a technology has developed
that when this channeler is

channeling, there's a camera,
the camera is super sensitive,

that's its inner technology
advanced, and is able to pick

up frequencies of light that
seem to be going inside the

channeler's body, and you're
like, never saw that before.

Yeah, but you also never had
microscopes before, and, you

know, we see cells now too.

We didn't have the
technology to see it before,

but it's just imagine.

Because you'd have
cameras now that it can

see an embryo and a cell.

Why can't you have a
camera one day that

maybe sees frequencies?

Because the channelers
keep saying these spirit

guides exist on frequencies.

These spirit guides
exist on frequencies.

I see them, I hear them,
listen to their message.

So, maybe in a hundred
years from now, there'll

be a camera that does that.

And we'll all be dead, but
the next generation will go

Wow, looks like something's
going to that channel.

Cut to 200 more years
and finally you see the

face of Red Eagle, who's
one of the guides I

channel, go into the body.

Why do we stop using or
learning from history,

using the knowledge we
gained from history?

We're always in such disbelief
and suspicion of things

and It's unbelievable.

Now, I know your crowd
is not really like that,

but it's amazing, even,
even in the spiritual and

the New Age community,
people are doing this.

They, um, they become
judgmental, they become

separatist, they become
isolationist, they

become holier than thou.

And I'm like, if your basis
of what you're doing is not

love, what are you doing?

What are you doing?

We have to know every secret
of the universe and the world.

Is it you being helped,
or are you just waiting

for all of that to come?

Are you waiting for the
aliens to come and tell

you where you're from,
where you're going, confirm

whether you believe there's
a matrix or not, confirm

whether you believe there's
an Illuminati or not?

I had someone one time,
one of my, one of my

students was like, how
come, how come you got that?

That's an Illuminati symbol
on your wrist, on your hand.

Okay, just go research, I
don't know, art from the

1600s and behind almost every
picture, a lot of pictures

of Jesus, you'll see this,
it's called the eye of God.

You go to India and
you'll see the swastika.

It was part of
Sanskrit Vedic culture.

It's a very holy symbol.

It was taken by people
hundreds of years later and

made to be a Nazi symbol.

But the root of the
swastika is not evil at all.

In fact, it's the opposite.

So, you've got to brush up and
learn and research and relax,

and my, my thrust, and thank
you for letting me talk and

share this Rod, I, I know that
I'm talking on a on a roll.

Rod Bland: That's
my job, mate.

Riz Mirza: Well, thank you.

Um, you know, we'd have
limited time and for me,

this is my passion in
life is to share with

people what helped me
stay on the planet with

us with a joy in my heart.

So I just sharing this
is what I, this is,

I went through those
forests, those particular

forests, not all of them.

And I'm just going to
share with you what I got.

I went into one forest, I
met this spirit guide on

the other side named Red
Eagle, and Red Eagle comes

through me and speaks.

There's also a gu I've
channeled a few dozen guides,

you guys can go to my website
and see whom I channel.

Interesting case in point
though, Rod, you know,

some I have channeled some
pretty famous figures.

Man, it's unbelievable.

I channeled, I had spoken on
a show that, you know, I've

channeled Tesla and people
were like, get out of here.

You can't channel Tesla.

How come he's not telling
us all the equations?

And if you're really
channeling Tesla, he's going

to tell you all his equations.

Otherwise it's all bullshit.

And I say, well, you may
or may not like the answer

I'm going to give you.

Channelers aren't here to
prove who they channel.

Listen to what he's saying.

When Tesla came through,
he never spoke about his

His, what he did on the
planet, what he talked about

was how to tap into your
innovation, how to understand

the frequency of your heart.

He also tapped into like
how to believe in yourself

and follow your light.

But then you have people
like, well, if you channel,

uh, George Washington,
he should tell you

war tactics he was on.

I'm like, where are you
getting that information from?

And why are you
saying he should?

Who is the authority?

No one.

I just bring through
what comes through.

So there are souls who
come to the planet.

Who kind of come in
like shooting stars

and leave quickly.

They come to, came
to leave an impact.

Bruce Lee is one of them.

He is a spirit guide.

He was a guide
while he was here.

Of course, he's a guide
on the other side.

The man was teaching us
how to flow like water.

He fought racism and
prejudices of all kinds, not

only from non Chinese, but
from Chinese who said, do

not teach them what we know
or we're going to kill you.

He's like, well, then go
ahead and try it, baby.

Maybe they succeeded, but
they didn't kill his spirit.

So Bruce came in, what,
he was 33 when he passed?

He's still considered
the God of martial arts.

It doesn't matter who's
come in the last 40 years

since then, 50 years.


I'm going to tell you why.

It's not just
because of his skill.

It's his love.

It's his love.

Mike Tyson, I don't know
if you're familiar with

recently has been sharing
with us his different

awakenings in his life.

If you watch some
podcasts out there,

Mike Tyson is out there.

He's had some very powerful
awakenings thanks to

sacred plant medicine,
namely psilocybin.

He talks about it very openly.

I've been leading them
for close to 20 years.

I've led over 2, 000 of
these ceremonies as a shaman.

Now they are being, it is
finally being regarded on the

official level as a deeply
Transformative, healing,

cathartic, very important for
our mental health experience.

Now they're working to
legalize it and put it into,

um, facilities and have
people who have had treatment

resistant depression,
anxiety, PTSD, it's

helping to heal the brain.

All this is coming
from the earth.

These, this plant
has been around.

Since time immemorial.

So, back to, are the resources
that you guys need to live the

life that you want, are they
out of your reach or are they

under your feet right now?

I'd like to say they're
under your chin because

they're, it's right here.

It's the center of your being
is all the resources you need.

Now if people tell you, well,
all the answers are inside

of you, I would say they're
half correct because yes,

but if they're inside of you,
you didn't need to incarnate.

You came here not just
to discover yourself, but

also to create yourself.

It's both.

And everything that
you know how to do, or

anything you know how to
do, someone taught you.

They taught you how to
turn on this device.

You may not remember,
but someone taught

you, saw it somewhere.

You turned on this device.

You learned how
to tie your shoe.

There's nothing you,
you weren't taught.

Your only instinct
was to love.

When you were a baby, no one
taught you to open your arms,

no one taught you to coo and
to laugh, to want to kiss your

parents or want to hug them,
no one taught you that how to

laugh when you got tickled, so
no one had to teach you how to

be in the love that you are.

You live life long enough on
this planet you will forget.

So whether it's a channeler,
or a medium, or a psychic,

Or a shaman, or a Reiki, or
a massage therapist, or the

guy at the car wash who's
offering you something.

If you begin to harness the
true power of yourself, which

is your sensitivity, there's
nothing that you can't feel

in terms of the level of
joy in your heart, because

everything is about that.

Career is about what
joy you'll get from it,

love, what joy you'll
get from it, health.

So we are always
talking about happiness.

We can talk about
everything under the sun

and above it, from aliens
to the core of the earth.

We can talk to people who
say, well, I have astral

travel and I'm going to come
back and tell you this is

how it is on the other side.


But that's how they
wanted to show it to you.

There might be another
room where they go,

that was just stage one.

Oh, the universe
says touche a lot.

So relax.

Just, I tell all my students
and all teachers who are my

students, I tell them and my
friends who teach me back.

I always share with them.

We're just sharing our
stories from the road.

Stories from the other side.

Rod Bland: From the
road, I like that.

There's something in there,
sorry, there's, when you

said teach and learn, you
just, I've been, uh, wading

my way through the book of
Ra in the last few months

and how they always refer
to, you can't be a teacher

unless you're a learner
and you can't be a learner

unless you're a teacher.

Riz Mirza: man, how can you
be, but be joyful in it.

I ask people all the
time, what is the highest

vibration that you
want for planet earth?

They always say peace.

I say, I hear you, brother,
sister, but I got one for

you to try on for size.

There's a vibration
higher than peace.

It's called celebration.

I think I'd rather have
7 billion people on earth

celebrating together,
together, than just in

meditation and peace, which is
nice too, but I'm meditating

so that I can celebrate.

I'm not celebrating so
that I can meditate.

Doesn't make any sense.

The celebration is the
realization of your

gratitude, which comes
through meditation.

So maybe the meditation can
help you celebrate again.

How do you celebrate
when you look around?

How do you celebrate
in times like this?

Well, it depends on
what side you're on.

If you don't care about
either the Israelis or the

Palestinians, you don't care.

So it doesn't matter to you.

But the moment you care
about one of them, you're

going to pick a side.

The moment you care
about both of them, you

have certain emotions.

Maybe you're concerned with
some other group of people

or animals or unseen spirits,
who knows what you're

concerned with, but the
list grows every day about

what is not feeling good.

And what's going to become
of this world, of the

particular country you're
in, who can you trust?

It's exhausting until you
decide it is not, until you

decide this can regenerate me.

I tried a new
philosophy at the gym.

I like to go to the
gym and work out.

I'm turning 55 this year

Rod Bland: Good for you Riz

Riz Mirza: and thank you.

I can thank, number
one, being in love

with my beautiful wife.

Number two, channeling.

Number three, Sacred
plant medicine journeys.

All of them have led me
to gratitude, by the way,

all three of those things.

So the body has
to work harder.

I have to work out differently
than I did when I was 25.

So I started thinking if
I'm at the gym and I'm

doing these curls or I'm
bench pressing, right?

What if instead of thinking
that I'm exerting energy that

each time I push this weight
up, it's charging me up.

Like I'm pumping energy into
my body rather than pushing

energy out of my body.

And I realized the reason
I couldn't do that when I

was young was because I was
so pissed off and working

out and martial arts were
a way to let the anger out.

Now that I'm older and
somewhat wiser, I'm

like thinking about
regeneration all the time.

Stopping the clock,
pausing it at least,

slowing it down at least.

And I think of
everything that way.

So instead of, I
don't think of things

taking my energy now.

So, if I'm in the middle of
my day and somebody needs

my attention, before it
would be like, ah, can I

just finish here and get to
what I really need to do?

Or can I just say, you
know what, sky's actually

not going to fall.

There's a moment here
for me to drop into.

So my life is not
about, I'm in the boxing

ring, ding, ding, ding.

Then back to the corner,
they throw Gator on

me, Gatorade on me.

Let's go back to Mike Tyson.

So, Mike Tyson, fierce
animal in the ring.

He was mad, he was angry,
he was upset, he was scared.

He's talked about
all of this stuff.

Watch the one where William
Shatner speaks to him.

So he did plant medicine.

What did it do?

Dropped him into his heart.

He cries openly in interviews.

He talks about how he
didn't love himself.

Now he actually feels
like he loves himself.

He doesn't see the
world as an enemy.

What if he didn't do that?

Let's take Muhammad
Ali and Mike Tyson.

Muhammad Ali, why
do people love him?

Because he was clearly
celebrating life.

He certainly had
felt deep love.

You could see it, how he
was, you could feel the

love coming from him and
the celebration of himself

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Riz Mirza: and therefore life.

He also was a great
humanitarian, by the way.

And then you had Mike
Tyson, who was on the road

of going in and out of
jail, accused of all these

things, and then just angry.

Lost his child, set him on
the course, and now here he

is on podcasts philosophizing.

Calm, crying, this
means a lot to men.

I hope it does, because
we are taught not to cry

from a very young age.

That's like telling someone,
don't sweat, I'm going to,

I'm going to block with
cement all your sweat glands.

What will happen if I
did that to a child?

They would eventually
become toxic and die.

So, you teach a
child not to cry.

That's what you're doing.

They start to die inside.

And then by the time
they're so called adult,

communication is not there.

There's no communication
other than a certain type

of, certain type of strength,
which is I'll come at you.

So, I, I grew up in the Bronx
in New York City at a time

in the eighties, seventies
and eighties where, you

know, like buildings were
on fire, man, next door.

And you had to, and here
I was a sensitive kid.

Like, how am I going
to survive here?

Hence martial arts, somehow
forcing myself to become

6'3 A lot of Indians are not
6'3 I think I willed that

because I had to survive.

My journey with all humility
to those wonderful champions

that I'm talking about
is similar in the sense

that I had experienced a
lot of loss to, to, um,

to live and find myself.

Whatever that means.

It just simply means
to be at peace.

I think to find yourself
means that you're at peace.

It's not like
this is who I am.

I think once you're at
peace, you found yourself.

And how do you find yourself?

You let go.

You stop looking for
yourself and you try to

just work on letting go
and you'll be at peace and

you'll say, Oh, this was the
feeling I was looking for.

So I would say
that being here.

I'm channeling for you guys.

We're just talking.

We're already talking.

We're already kind
of channeling.

Everybody's a channel.

They channel something.

The word channel is the
same as the word canal.

It has the same roots.

So what is a Suez Canal?

What is um, the
English channel?

It's an opening through
the land through which the

water flows and drops off.

People or goods and services.

And that's what a channel is.

They're an opening through
which energy drops off goods

and services, basically.

So whatever it is that you
do, that you step out of the

way and it flows through you,
that's where you channel.

For me, it's spirit guides
and their transmission.

For other people,
it's baseball.

For other people, it's,
I know how to talk to

the animals at an animal
sanctuary and get them to

feel safe when I feed them
or people come to visit them.

Some people, they're
an accountant and they

channel the numbers.

That's where you step out of
the way and allow the flow.

And it seems to land where
it's really supposed to land.

It's not about it
being perfect in

the way you thought.

Sometimes the thing that
you love to do isn't

necessarily the thing
where you're channeling.

How do I know?

Because the thing that I
love to do wasn't channeling.

Spirit guides, the thing that
I love to do is playing music.

I started off as a painter and
I sang in bands growing up.

That was where I felt
the thing I loved to do.

But I noticed that this
actually came easier

when I started to have
different awakenings and I

realized I was a channeler.

I was like, Oh, I don't
know if I want to do that.

Now I have students who are
like, I would do anything

to just be a channeler.

Please help me.

I'm like, maybe you have to
first not want to, because

I would, I never wanted to.

And I, it just would chase
me down until I surrendered

and said, man, there's
something in this for me.

So I, when I'm, when
I listened back to the

channelings from Red Eagle
or some of the other spirit

guides that I channel.

I just released a book
recently, if I may talk

about it, it's called
Breaking Through.

And it was the transcript
from an evening of

where I channeled seven
spirit guides in a row.

One of them was Edgar Allen
Poe, which was mind blowing

that he came through.

And, um, it's called
Breaking Through.

You can find it on
Kindle or Amazon.

But the point Also, besides
talking about, hey, read

this book, the other point
I want to make is you have

to be very, like, to do
that in front of people, you

have to be very, very loose.

Some people think you got,
when you channel it, you'll

be like, all right, I will
harness the powers of the

universe, I'm He Man, you
know, and I will channel

the messages for you.

Bro, it's, it's the opposite.

You have to be like,
very vulnerable.

You have to be dropped
into your feminine.

You have to be dropped into
that and allow yourself to

be entered and allow that
to be, and you have to

be very quiet and still.

So when I teach people how to
channel, I'm not teaching them

how to reach into the heavens.

I'm teaching them how
to let go of everything

and be multiply there.

They think they're sensitive
when they come into my class.

I want them to be 10
times as sensitive.

That's where, like when the
spirit guides come in, I

almost feel like they just
go like, uh, They touch my

shoulder, the lightest touch
and I have to be so quiet.

Oh, there it is.


I just felt it.

All right now surrender to
that touch and then they come

through and that's that's
how the channeling goes.

Rod Bland: I definitely
want to get into,

uh, uh, channeling.

session with you here, Riz,
if that's what you call it.

I just want to ask you
first, well, there's

two things actually.

One was when you said you were
angry when you were young.

I want you to talk a bit
more about that, but also at

the same time, you probably
talk about how, how your

spiritual journey began.

Riz Mirza: Yeah, I think my
background growing up with

my parents from India, I
spent a lot of time growing

up also in India, but I was
mostly a New York City kid.

Um, that culture is deeply
rooted in, in various

principles of new age,
current new age thought,

which would be past lives,
astrology, the idea of gurus

imparting knowledge to you,
the understanding that you're

not alone in this reality,
that there are unseen

beings that permeates, uh,
Indian culture, I believe.

Um, I think that informed it.

So the spiritual
path for me was pain.

Um, lost my mom.

Lost my brother, best
friend committed suicide.

That was it.

Three deaths.

And I'm a medium and I still
couldn't find any peace.

I was giving readings
and I still couldn't

find any peace until I
had a shamanic ceremony

with plant medicine and I
found joy again and cried.

and laughed at the same time.

I cried pain, painful
crying, and philosophical

gut busting Buddha level
laughing all at the same time.

I call it the death.

That's one of the
many spiritual deaths.

I'm sure I'll have more to
go, but that was the big one.

Um, pain led me.

to the solution, which
was finding freedom,

accepting that, uh, there
is no such thing as death.

There's not even
physical death.

People go, right, there's
no physical, there's a

physical death, but not
a death of the spirit.

I go, well, do you want
to go a little bit deeper?

They go, of course.

I go, all right, let's
define what metaphysical is.

Greater than the physical,
meta, beyond the physical.

No, it's beyond the physical
that you currently perceive.

If we went back a hundred
years ago and said to people,

or 400 years ago and said, let
me explain to you, let me draw

a picture of mitochondria.

They'd say, what is it
you're talking about?

The mitochondria.

Well, that's how you get, you
know, ATP and mitochondria

is how your body makes energy
on this cellular level.

They would say, we don't know
what you're talking about.

That sounds like
metaphysical stuff.

Science and magic is science.

Is magic science you
haven't discovered yet,

or is science magic you
haven't discovered yet?

What is it?

What are these words?

So, that idea of, I lost
my train of thought there

because I just went there.

What was I talking about?

Rod Bland: Um, we were, you
were talking about physical

versus metaphysical, physical

Riz Mirza: metaphysical
simply means, thank you.

Metaphysical simply means
beyond which you can

perceive physically now.

Because I, as a medium,
I have seen spirits.

clearings and houses of
things I've seen that I have

to put in a book one day.

Now I see them.

Whether another person
believes that or not can

only be done if I give
them a message and I go,

Oh, so did this thing
happen the other day?

And they go, it did.

I go, well, the
spirit told me.


So people say
that's metaphysical.

It's metaphysical for them.

What about paranormal?

They're really, you see the
supernatural, the supernatural

is not the supernatural.

The supernatural
is the natural.

What do you consider

Spirits, ghosts,
auras, those are real.

They're just, you
don't see them yet.

They're all part of
the natural world.

So when you expand your
definition of natural,

it will include what you
previously considered

to be super natural.

So I say the natural world,
the metaphysical world.

So the body dies.

You go, well, the body died.

Oh, the body turned into
energy that I can feel.

Maybe you can feel it too.

So it's an, it
is imperceptible.

No, it is perceptible.

You just can't perceive
it with a camera.

But maybe you feel the energy.

Don't you feel energy
when you walk in a room?

What are you feeling?

The most non believing person
who doesn't believe in any of

the stuff we're talking about.

We'll still say, man,
I walked into the room,

it was just bad energy.

These people were shooting
me some bad energy.

Wait, wait, rational,
logical person, uh, could

you expound on that?

What do you mean exactly by
there was bad energy there?

No, you know, bad vibes.

You mean vibrations?

You mean frequencies?

In the air?

Where did that come from?


Metaphysical is
still physical.

It's just what level of
technology do you have

to perceive something?

For that matter, one can
say, NASA can keep on

saying that there's no
life on Venus because

we've sent cameras there.

Your prehistoric
caveman level cameras.

Are those the cameras
you're talking about

that you sent to Venus?

What about the
cameras in 2000 years?

Maybe there's life
forms on Venus that your

camera can't pick up.

You already said there's a,
you could blow a dog whistle

and the dog only hears it.

You already know that
your eyes can only

see a certain, certain
field of light spectrum.

So what if something is
beyond that spectrum?

You're just going to say,
well, there's no life there.

Cause I didn't see it.

Upgrade your technology in
every area of your life.


You don't believe in spirit
guides or this or that,

well, study energy and
you'll eventually, you're

going to realize that,
man, I can never say never.

Rod Bland: um, I am super keen

Riz Mirza: So am I.

Let's do it.

Rod Bland: So if you're,
if you're cool to do that,

then firstly, could you just

Riz Mirza: to have a

Rod Bland: a little,
yeah, drinks water.

Uh, could you just explain
a little bit of the

process just for people
who aren't familiar?

And most of my viewers
haven't seen anyone

channel on the channel yet.

So yeah, talk

Riz Mirza: I'm, I'm honored
honored to be on the show, to

be the first trance channeler.

Trance channeling, I'll
tell you quite literally

what it is, everyone.

It is where the
channeler enters into

a deep trance state.

It is not a trance like state.

It is the trance state.

I've even channeled with
diodes on my head where

the brainwave shift
happened in five seconds.

It was almost like
some, the guy actually

compared it to narcolepsy.

He's like, it's like you fell
asleep, but you kept talking.

Your brain went into deep
sleep state in 10 seconds.

I'd like to share some of
those videos with you one day.

So, the channeler goes into
a deep state of trance.

It is like they're
emptying their body

of their personality.

It's the only way
I can put it, guys.

And the spirit guides
use, they use your body.

It's not a possession
in the scary sense.

It is, these spirit
guides are highly

ascended, evolved beings.

They've been channeling books
and teachings and messages for

Since we were all in tribes,
this is the same thing.

We're doing it on
the internet now.

So they come through,
they take over the body.

It's almost like I go to
the back seat of the car,

I hand the keys and the
steering wheel to them.

So they get in
the driver's seat.

Now they're driving.

They're dictating how
this experience goes.

I'm in the back seat, just
like you as a passenger.

That's all that's happening.

They speak.

The voice often changes a bit.

The accent often changes.

And their cadence, their
manner of speaking, changes.

And, um, they come and speak.

That's all I can say.

At the end of it, they
bring me back into the body.

The process is one
of deep surrender.

If you guys have ever
meditated, you know it's a

lot of deep breathing and
letting go, letting go,

letting go until finally you
feel kind of quiet inside.

I have been in this practice
for many, many decades.

And so I'm able to drop
in much, much faster.

It's just like any, any
kind of activity, activity

that you've been doing and
practicing for a long time.

You're able to do it
faster than other people.

That's all it is.

I'm able to go in very
quick and I'm able to

leave my body very quickly.

Um, I feel the guide I'm
going to channel today is

my main guide, Red Eagle.

Rod Bland: Excellent.

Riz Mirza: People say he's,
uh, Native American guide.

Well, he doesn't really
have an ethnicity

on the other side.

We've all been
different last lifetime.

I could look like you,
Rod, and you could look

like me, or I could look
like you who's watching

and you could look like me.

So we switch identities.

We are not one ethnicity.

Our, certainly our
spirit has no ethnicity

on the other side.

Which a lot of warring
factions on this planet are

going to find to be a very big
surprise when they get to the

other side and they say, What
do you mean, I'm not that?

They're like, no, you're not.

You're just fighting
for Earth reasons.

Um, but Red Eagle does come
across that way as a chief.

He likes to joke, you
get two Indians for the

price of one, cause he's
Feather and I'm Doc.

He's been saying that joke for
years and it never gets old.

Um, but he's almost
like talking to a tree.

You know, when I see
him, he comes almost more

like a tree with a face.

That's how he appears to me.

He doesn't really come in
like, uh, tribal regalia.

asked him one time,
why did you choose me?

Really chose me.

And he said that there were
some similarities that he

and I had and that I was
just open and um, that's it.

And it's not really that
important to me why.

But uh, that's the how.

I calm down, I feel him,
I let him through, and he

brings me back whenever
I'm supposed to be back.

So when I, I'm gonna start
now, and I just ask you guys

if you're able to, and you're
not driving your car, Um,

that you are, if you're seated
comfortably somewhere, that

you just take your hands and
place them on your lap and

have your palms facing upward,
just so that we connect.

And look, you're not
here live watching this

podcast, but you're
watching it in the moment.

So whenever you're
watching it.

It doesn't matter that
it was recorded before

you're watching it.

The moment is always now.

So let's drop in now.

Close your eyes.

I'm going to do it.

Drop your shoulders.

At the count of three,
take a deep breath

in through your nose.

One, two, three.

Hold the breath.

Hold the breath.

Relax your face.

Drop your shoulders and
do a, ah, all right.

That's just a
cleansing breath.

Surround yourself with light.

Imagine a beautiful light
around you, everyone,

emanating from the point
between your eyebrows.

This is your third eye.

So many cultures have referred
to this point between your

eyebrows as the portal to
your higher consciousness.

It is also a portal to
higher dimensions where you

can receive transmissions.

It's just that you weren't
really taught how to use it.

But I encourage you to learn
meditation and breath work

and to give yourself the gift
of developing your natural

birthright of your sixth
sense and your third eye.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, my friends.

And I will see you later.

You can open your
eyes and chill.


I'm ready to go.

Rod Bland: Red Eagle.

Thanks for being here with us.

It's nice to have you.

Riz Mirza: You call
this moment now.

You say I am seeing you now,
I am watching the channel or

channel now, I am watching
my laptop, my phone, my

TV, right now, I hear you
right now, I hear the voice

coming from the channel,
but you are neither seeing

nor hearing anything in the
now, even if you are sitting

here in this room right now.

Because it takes time for
this sound to leave the

body and reach your ears, it
travels at the speed of sound.

That sound, it is the
vibration, the frequency.

And it travels, so
it takes time if you

were to slow it down.

You could see very
slow movement of these

sound waves traveling
to you where you are.

So you never actually hear
sound as it is happening.

Each word that is being
said to you right now,

you are hearing a little
bit after the fact.

Take a breath, now,
and think about what

we are saying and see.

Of course it is true.

It is part of your, your
laws of physics and science.

That sound travels at a speed.

What about light?

You see at the speed of light.

If all the lights were
to go off on the planet,

or in your room, you
could not see nothing.

You only see light that is
bouncing off of something

reflected back to your
eye, the signal goes to

your brain, you interpret
it, process it, define it

as what you are seeing.

That is a laptop, that
is a light, that is

a candle in the back.

So, very quickly, let us
review and move forward.

You do not hear anything
in the present moment.

You never have and
you never will.

As long as you are in the
body, you are not hearing

any sound in your room right
now, or in this transmission.

It is just a little bit
late, there is a delay.

What about light?

So, everything you are
seeing, including this

screen right now in the
body of the channeler, we

are moving his hands, you
are not seeing it now.

It is still after the
fact, because the light

has to reach your eyes.

So, if you do not hear in
the now, And you never have.

And you, what we mean
is in real time, and you

do not see in real time,
then what is all this?

Or you want to be present,
you meditate, I want to

be in the present moment.

It is not the physical
present moment, it is the

stillness of your soul.

Does your body have to be
still for your mind to be?


There are many Olympic
athletes who are

running down the track.

Top speed, body, muscles,
tendons, heart beating, blood

moving, brainwaves firing.

Yet the soul is at
peace, the mind is still.

The brain is different
than the mind.

Open the skull, you will
only find the brain.

You will not find the mind.

No matter how many times
you cut that flesh that

is sitting in your skull,
you'll never find the mind.

There is an intelligence
that exists.

Does the intelligence
exist in the organs of

the body that you have a
liver, you have kidneys?

If you were to open up a body
and pull out the kidneys,

pull out the heart, pull
out the liver, and you slice

through it, you will not
find anything but flesh.

They do different
functions in the body.

How do they know what to do?

You say the brain tells them.

But what is the liver
made of that is different

than the kidney, that is
different than the heart,

the spleen, the pancreas?

Isn't it all made of flesh?

Isn't it all made of matter?

It is all matter.

You take a piece of matter,
an atom from your eyelash,

imagine if you could put it
under the atomic microscope.

Then you take a piece from the
bumper of your car, an atom.

Then an atom off of the
whiskers of your cat and off

of a tin can in your fridge.

Put all four atoms under
the microscope, you will

never be able to tell
where that atom came from.

They will all look the same.

All the minerals, they
are made of matter.

The matter seems
to be very neutral.

You cannot identify the
properties of an atom,

just the structure of it.

You don't know what it is.

At some point you just have
to say, well, it is an atom.

Seems to carry information.

Yeah, it does seem
to carry information.

What information?

is information?

Your tongue receives

You put a strawberry or a
piece of lemon on your tongue,

it is giving you information.

That is what a flavor is.

Each part of your tongue
Is designed, or certainly

facilitates, or its function
is to taste different things.

Certain part of your
tongue tastes sweet,

the other part tastes
bitter, or sour, or salty.

This is medical fact.

So, the information goes
in, the tongue receives it.

Is it the tongue or the brain?

The tongue receives
the information.

The brain, the
brain processes it.

What does that mean?

It tastes the information
of what is called sour.

Remember something.

Sour to you may not
be sour to the bear.

The bear has a tongue too,
so you eat the sour candy

or the lemon, you get
sour taste in your mouth.

Now, what if you like it, and
what if you don't like it?

Is that the mind?

Yeah, now you have the mind.

You can change your mind.

There are things, hopefully
there are things, that

you used to not like,
that you like now.

there's something you
used to eat, that now

you don't care for.

Maybe there is something
you used to refuse to eat

as a child, now you, now
you have the taste for it.


What is different?

Is your tongue different?

People will say, Yo,
every part of your body

regenerates every seven
years, every, it has done

it over and over again,
every day it is happening.

So, the liver you have
now is not the liver you

had when you were a kid.

No, and will not even be
the liver when you die.

But then why do you
keep having illnesses?

That is a whole nother story.

We'll get into one day with
you, but we will touch on it.


Your body listens
to information.

It is designed to do that.

It is your interface
with a physical reality

that you call physical.

You call it the 3D.

Now, you will have many people
on your program who say, I'll

talk to you from the 12 day.

What do you mean the 12 day?

Where is this 12th dimension?

Is it over there
behind Saturn?

No, all dimensions
are here and now.

How do you know?

Tonight, when you go to
sleep, you will enter,

you will peek into, you
will interact in another

dimension in your dreams.

Your body has not left.

You're traveling into
other dimensions.

Is it in your brain
or is it in your mind?

Your brain has one
purpose, one function.

That is, press this
button, record.

2 plus 2 is 4.

Record it.

Don't ask why.

The moment you ask why,
the mind is now moving.

How do you get a
hold of your mind?

Well, the mind, like you,
maybe you are the mind, the

cosmic mind, wants more.

You always want more.

There's not a person
who does not want more.

We can prove it to you.

You will want more even
when you want less.

You say, I want to get
rid of all my stuff.

I want less.

Oh, you want less of this,
but you want more of that.


What else?

What if you say, No, I'm
happy with the way things are.

I don't want more.

Would you like to experience
it in two more seconds?

How about now in
five more seconds?

What about tomorrow?

Would you like to still
have this chair tomorrow?

How about this laptop?

You want it tomorrow?

So you want more.

Now what if you have the
real stubborn person who

says, No, I don't care if I
don't have it in two seconds.

I don't want more.

All right, let
us explore that.

So you are fine if you die?


Is that more?

I don't know.

Oh, we ask you a
philosophical question.

Why don't you answer

I don't know.

If you really believe
you don't know, then you

should listen to maybe
somebody says they know.

Well, I don't believe you.

Oh, what is your reference
for not believing what

somebody else says?

It means you have a base of
knowledge, a foundational

perspective, your
opinion, as you call it.

That you are not revealing.

You just said you don't know.

By the moment we tell you
something that you don't

agree with, suddenly you
say, I don't believe you.

That means you know
something or you believe

you know something.

You're just not saying it.

You see, you cannot
have a transformation in

your life if you do not
transform your reactions.

And the way to transform
your reactions is to work

on your core beliefs.

People say, my core belief
is I believe in God.

I believe in this or that.

All right, but you
have to look further.

Describe your God.

Are you living
those principles?

Is your relationship
with this, you say God

is your God, but what is
the relationship here?

Is it about the afterlife?

You do good here,
you'll get rewarded?

They may say yes.

Traditionally, religious
people will say yes.

So, it is about the work
you do getting rewarded

and the bad things you
do getting punished.

All right, so the basis,
the foundational belief of

your life is Good things
reward, bad things punish.

And yet there are many
good people who do not

feel they are rewarded.

There are many people
who work hard, do not

feel they are rewarded.

They're watching other people
who they feel do not work

hard, and are not nice people,
getting everything that

they, the good person, wants.

Now they start to think the
world is not fair, underlying

conflicting beliefs.

There is a God who is good,
and all things are good, and

I will work hard and receive
that reward, but not here.

Be happy for what I have.

Consistently work to
get to somewhere else.

Gratitude is never about
getting somewhere else.

If you make gratitude
your God, your life will

be very different day to
day, moment to moment.

Because it is the key, it is
the bridge back to your sanity

when you are spinning out.

If you can find gratitude
when you are spinning out,

you will come back to peace.

That is guaranteed.

But you will have
to work for it.

You're not going to get
gratitude just by saying,

I have a roof over my
head, so I'm grateful.

You never will
find it that way.

You have to get very tiny.

Riz say earlier to everybody,
sensitivity is your strength.

Oh, so if you want to be tiny.

You say, oh, explain
what you mean tiny.

All right, you're sitting
in a room right now.

Maybe you're sitting in a room
right now that you have lived

in for many years or many
months, maybe your whole life.

You know, the room like the
back of your hand, you're

not so interested in it.

Maybe you're more interested
in what you are doing in

the room rather than the
physical room itself.

But what if, magically,
we made you very tiny,

so now you're this big.

Now you are in the room
you are sitting in,

but you are this big.

Look around.

Look at the chair,
the table, look at the

bed, look at the wall.

Imagine if you were this
big, on the floor, right now,

looking up at the ceiling.

Imagine how massive
the room would be.

Imagine now how it
would smell to you.

What would the
temperature be like?

What would the
sound sound like?

The little coffee
table will seem like

Mount Everest to you.

The grain of wood
in the table.

will look like a massive
abstract painting

towering in front of you.

Imagine what the cat or
the dog will look like.

Imagine what the drop of
water would sound like

coming from the kitchen.

Everything would change.

Everything would be anew.

Nothing changed.

You changed.

You are very focused
on getting bigger than

the room, breaking out,
finding a new place.


Do it.

Nothing is stopping you.

But you are going crazy
you get to the next level.

You want to ascend, but
you see, your spiritual

ascension does not go this
way, it goes this way.

Ascension goes this way
spiritually, not this

way and out and away.

Somewhere other than here.

Like I say earlier, the
resources are under your feet.

Right now, at this
moment, you are watching

this transmission.

But something led you here.

You say, somebody told
me, I like this guy

Rod, nice podcast.

Who told you about him?

I don't know, I was
sitting here bored one day.

I saw him.

I say I like him.


Who got you this computer?

Oh, that's a long story.

Three years ago.


So, because of the computer,
you're able to see him.

Let's go back to
three years ago.

Well, I had a new job.

They gave me a bonus.

Oh, how did you
get that new job?

It was through my
friend here, John.

How did you meet John?

Oh, I met him 15 years ago.

He is the one who told me
about the job that could

get me to buy the computer
three years ago that I am

sitting here right now and
I discovered Rod's show.

How did you meet John?

Oh, you know, I had a
flat tire 20 years ago.

I met him at the
service station.

We became good friends.

Who gave you the flat tire?

Oh, I remember.

I went to a party I
did not want to go to.

Very rambunctious party.

There was broken glass.

I left early.

I asked myself, what am
I doing at this party?

Not my scene.

I ran over the broken
bottle glass, got a flat

tire, ended up there.

Who invited you to the party?

You see where we're going now?

You can trace back this
very moment to 30 years ago.

What have we told
you 30 years ago?

Hey, if you go to this party
tonight, in 30 years, you're

going to end up watching
a pretty cool podcast.

They will say,
what is a podcast?

Everything we said
is factually true.

In your life, whatever your
story is, you can trace

to right this moment, you
can trace it back to 30

years ago of happenstance.

Or you can say that there
is a part of you, a sense

that was hearing, seeing,
smelling on a different level

of frequency that is in the
now, that is in real time.

Your senses are in real time.

They are not the physical
senses are never in real time.

Remember, all information has
to go through the physical

interface to get to the brain.

That all takes time.

What is this?

What is the speed of smell?

You have this, this speed of
light, the speed of sound.

What about the other senses?

There's a speed of touch.

You touch here, you
feel the jacket.

It is a little rough denim.

That information had
to happen very quickly.

Signals had to go very fast.

Your spiritual upgrade is
not that all your boxes

are checked off in life
about what you want.

There are many people who
have checked off all the

boxes, same boxes as you.

They don't even stick around.

They take their own life.

Not one, many.

It is classic.

You say, well, that
will not happen to me.

How do you know?

You have not even
gotten everything

checked off the list.

And suddenly you say, if you
did get checked off the list,

you would not kill yourself.

You want to talk real talk?

We're talking
real talk to you.

Maybe you don't want
to talk real talk.

You just want to talk
about meditation.

You want to talk about
astral projection.

You want to talk about
the world is going to end.

You want to talk about
the secrets that are

working against you.

You want to create, you
want to listen to all this

inflammatory spiritual talk.

Better look out.

Reality is energy
that is projected from

consciousness thought.

One day planet earth
will not be here.

Is that said, maybe you guys
will make another planet.

You made planets
before this one.

All of you.

Collective consciousness
made the planet.

It is God energy.

All of it is one.

Certainly do your best to
take care of your home.

Keep it neat.

Try to keep it going.

At the same time understand
it is not designed

to be here forever.

No planet is.

No physical thing is
designed to be here forever.

Physical as you perceive it.

Your quantum physicists
are telling you that there

is more in the negative
space that exists than in

the positive object space
that you are perceiving.

With your eyes and your touch.

So now quantum physicists
have told you this.

Shamans have told you this.

Healers have told you this.

So called dead spirits
have told you this.

You say, I don't know still.

When will you know?

Maybe when you stop
judging people.

Maybe when you just decide to
commit yourself to service.

What is your purpose in life?

is to celebrate and to serve.

That is it.

Everything will come from
serving and celebrating.

Serving and celebrating
and celebrating and serving

everything that you need
to experience that you

call evolution, teaching,
self help, all of it.

It will be within
celebration and service.

You will experience it.

If you have a partnership,
celebrate your partner

and serve them.

If you have children,
celebrate them and serve them.

If you have a job,
celebrate that you get to

do a job and serve there.

If you walk in the park,
celebrate nature, maybe

throw some birds, some
breadcrumbs, pick up some

garbage, throw it away.

Do not say, I didn't
throw it there.

But instead, the people
are so worried about what

they're going to get.

Never so much, they're
never worried about what

they're going to give.

That is interesting.

You say, I want
to be of service.

So, turn off the computer,
go to the neighbor,

say, what do you need?

What are you talking about?

Oh, no, not that
kind of service.

I don't like my neighbour
Now I know where you stand.

You like it?

You should love yourself
enough to transform and a part

of you should get disgusted.

Yeah, that is right.

You need a little bit of
disgust, a little bit of

dark, a little bit of anger.

It is not evil.

You're not, you
cannot be afraid to go

there with yourself.

It is not beating
up on yourself.

It is a little slap awake to
get you back to be coherent.

If you were to faint,
your friend would come

over, slap you five times
across the face to get

you to be coherent again.

That is what we
are talking about.

It is not violent.

It is not anger.

It is to activate you.

How are you serving?

How are you celebrating?

How are you celebrating?

How are you serving today?

Do them.

Watch your life change.

You will not be so concerned
about these e elections.

Because you will still
celebrate and serve

no matter who is the
president, or won't you?

Oh, they tried to stop me.

Nobody is stopping
you from going and

helping your neighbor.

No one.

Oh, my neighbor is?

So go to the other neighbor.

Keep going till someone
will receive your help.

You don't have time anymore.

Not because the world is
ending, but because you

yourself have exhausted
yourself of finding Clarity,

Calm, Consciousness,
and Connection through

what others do or do not
do to you or for you.

Get rid of it.

It does not matter anymore.

You are more than that.

You are not your body.

You are not your intelligence.

You are not your personality.

You are the awareness,
infinite and eternal,

that can change
everything for yourself.

Bless you.

Rod Bland: Sorry, I just
realized I was on mute.

There was a garbage
truck going past.

I'll just ask if you're back.

And you're

Riz Mirza: I'm back.

Rod Bland: That was awesome.

Riz Mirza: That's the ro
That's, that's flying on

the wings of Red Eagle.

I got this AI art program that
I downloaded to my, my phone.

And you can, you
can, um, create art.

Really cool art.

And I made this, um, montage
of, of, uh, my first psychic

experience when I was a kid.

Rod Bland: Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: And I was like
telling the AI, draw an

Indian kid with an Indian
mom, and they're on the

subway in New York city.

And I was trying to
tell the story of when

I first had a connection
from the other side.

It's on my Instagram.

Um, I invite you to
take a look at it.

Rod Bland: Oh well.

Riz Mirza: And
it's really cool.

And I've been
thinking a lot about.

Creativity and and have you
discussed that on your show?

Rod Bland: Um, only AI
a little, I suppose,

with another guest
quite a long time ago.


Not, I mean, I have
an interest in it

myself, but it's not
something that's come up.

I just kind of allow, try
to allow things to happen

organically with guests.

I can't say it's come up.

Riz Mirza: How'd you feel when
Red Eagle was coming through?

Rod Bland: I was, I was
really, really locked in.

Yeah, he's got a very,
um, a lot of magnetism.

I mean you do too, but
he's, it was something, and

you know what, he knew the
question that I wanted to

ask and he just answered it.

I didn't, I didn't
have to ask it.

Riz Mirza: He's like that.

So for the, for 15 years,
um, I've put on my wife and

I put on the circle of light
here in LA and in other

cities in different parts of
the world, but mostly in LA.

And, um, it was twice a
week, sometimes three times

a week, a gathering where
I would sit in a chair

and people would sit on
the floor and yoga mats.

And I would channel for a
few hours and everyone would

get a personal message and.

Now, I do them, the, just
the nature of, you know, your

work, you start getting busier
and busier and, and things.

And so my work, my
focus now, I do private

channeling circles.

So people will rent a space
and they'll come and they'll

come with their group.

Sometimes it's, you know, a
corporate event or sometimes

it is, um, a particular school
or workshop or something.

And I come and I channel.

And the messages that
people get, their personal

messages, so Red Eagle
goes around to each person

and gives them a message.

Sometimes they ask.

Can you give me a message
from my grandmother?

And he gives those messages.

But I want to talk about,
if you're interested

in about, what is the
purpose of the guides?

Rod Bland: Yeah, that
was kind of, that was

actually my question.

That was the question I
thought I wanted to ask,

but actually he answered
a different one, which

was more profound for me.

So, but that was actually
the original question was

what's he, what's his purpose?

Like, why does he come
through like this?

Riz Mirza: I want to, I want
to share that answer with you.

I've got to get comfortable
here because he, he,

when he comes in the
body, it's like, whoo!

It's like someone trying on
a jacket that's too small.

He just wants to burst
like the Hulk through me.

Um, so spirit guides
are not here to give

you what you want.

That's not what
a teacher does.

They are teachers
without grading you.

So, if a teacher never graded
you or gave you a diploma,

if graduation wasn't a
thing, what would a teacher

be, what's their purpose?

Well, they're
here to teach you.

They teach you here to
teach you how to navigate.

They teach navigation.

What is navigation?

Navigation of what?


What you're experiencing.

So, they don't give
you what you want.

You can leave
that to religion.

People pray to the
angels and the saints.

Please, Saint Teresa,
give me what I want.

Make this happen.

There's an old saying, which
I think is so powerful.

People turn to God when their
foundations are shaking, only

to discover that it is God who
is shaking their foundations.

People go, please God,
don't let this happen.

You mean the thing that
God is making happen?

No, it's not God
making it happen.

It's not.

But you said God is
responsible for all things.

So either there is no God
or maybe your definition

of God is, can be expanded
into something even better,

something more empowering,
something more enlightening,

something actually more
fulfilling and mind blowing.

So if you're going to ask your
spirit guides to do stuff for

you, I'd say just stick to
religion because no one will

make fun of you really there.

They make fun of you more for
believing in spirit guides.

So that's changing.

Thanks, Gen Z.

You guys listen.


Your Spirit Guides are here
to help you connect the dots

that are appearing before you.

How to connect the dots to
give you a clearer picture.

You say, well, explain
that more in detail.

Okay, you broke your ankle
and you can't go to work now.

That really sucks.

Okay, um, did you
love your job?

No, but I like my job.

Okay, um, have you been
thinking about leaving?

Well, I was thinking about
leaving maybe after a year.

Are you saying that I
broke my ankle because I

was subconsciously trying
to get out of my job?

Yes, I am.

I am saying that.

Well, that's harsh.

And I go, no,
that's not harsh.

That's just how
stubborn you are.

Guilty of the same thing.

I've had it happen to me too.

I'm not judging you.

I'm just talking about the
nature of Being a human

who's in survival mode.

So the universe believes that
you belong somewhere else.

Well, they fired me because
I, Oh, I just found out I

got fired because of my,
I didn't go into work.

Well, the universe
believes that you

belong somewhere else.

So does the other job,
by the way, the job fired

you because they believe
you belong somewhere

else more than you do.

So we're all trying to get
you the universe and the job.

We're all trying to
convince you that you

belong somewhere else.

You just said you didn't
want to die at that job.

Yeah, but I wanted to
stay there another year.


Maybe something is
ready for you now.

It's showing up
because you're ready.

That's why.

It's showing up
because you're ready.

And you have to step,
there's the ankle

connection, stepping forward.

You know, there's
a great book.

You can read Louise Hay.

You can heal your life.

She channeled all of
what the body means.

By the way, Louise Hay
was a student of my great

mentor and teacher, Mr.

Alexander Murray, who passed
about two years ago, one of

the greatest psychic mediums
and trans channels ever.

You can look him up.


Murray in New York City.

There's a page on him.

There's actually an interview
I did with him on my YouTube.

Louise used to go to him back
in the seventies, eighties.

Um, but Louise, don't
know why you didn't thank

Alex for helping with
those teachings, but now

I get to tell everyone.

I'm sure they worked
it out up there.

So each part of the
body is connected to a

different part of you.

For example, your teeth are
connected to your lineage.

So root, root canal, your
roots, even though there's

a physical root as well,
for example, your body burns

up in a fire, your dental
records are the only way

they can really identify you.

It's connected to teeth.

Stuff is always about family,
lineage, changing, uprooting.

Letting go of expulsion.

So when you read some
books that will teach you,

you can Google it too.

What are the connections?

You have something
happen to your elbow.


What does the elbow mean?


What about if I
can't turn my neck?

What does appendicitis mean?

There are physical causes.

And then there are
also spiritual messages

that that body part
is trying to tell you.

So we're not saying that
you're causing the disease.

What we're saying is that
it's a number of factors.

What can give you
a heart attack?

Can fear give you
a heart attack?

Yes or no?

Rod Bland: sure it could.


Riz Mirza: it does.

People say it all the time.

Oh my God, this happened.

I almost had a heart attack.


Of course.

People have died, literally
have died from fear.

They have heart attacks,
they faint, their heart

stops because of fear, shock.

Okay, those are extreme cases.

What about a milder case?

Let's say you didn't get
a heart attack, but you

were shocked by something.

And instead of heart
attack being at, at the

level 10, what's the,
what's that level two?

Oh, I don't know.

Can't sleep.

the level three?


Okay, what's the level four?

Keep going.

And then eventually we'll
get to heart attack.


One of the biggest messages
that I have found from

the Spirit Guides is that
they're trying to teach

us how to learn from
joy rather than pain.

Can you learn from
joyful experiences

rather than painful ones?

We are usually taught to learn
from painful ones, physical

experiences when we're a kid.

Don't put your finger
in the fire, don't touch

the electrical outlet,
and then you'll find out.

Okay, great.

You found out not to ever
touch the fire and ever

touch the electrical socket.

Is there a way to
learn from Joy?

Can you learn
from two chipmunks

playing in the grass?

If you are sensitive, you can.

If you're sensitive and know
how to use your sensitivity,

you can make a great, make
an amazing meal with what's

in your kitchen right now.

How do I know?

You don't even have
to go shopping.

If Gordon Ramsay were to come
to your house right now, he

could make something great
in your kitchen right now.

So people, you have
the ingredients.

You have the
ingredients right now.

You just don't know
how to use them.

So learn how to use them.

That's what the spirit
guides teach us.

They teach you how to be
Gordon Ramsay with the

kitchen you've got right now.

And I said, yo, I'm going to
applaud myself for that one.

Cause that shit
was really good.

I, that one was, you know,
there's certain things I

repeat in every podcast
because you have to, right.

Cause that's what you
teach your principles.

But that one was
the first time on

Untethered Consciousness.

You heard it here.

You heard it here first folks.

That's what the spirit
guides teach you.

Rod Bland: I love it
when that happens.

If a guest says, I've
never podcast, I'm like,

yes, that's, that's the
one tick box they'll do.

Riz Mirza: Hey, Rod, I
have a question for you.

Have you ever played
an instrument?

Have you ever
picked up the bass?

Rod Bland: Um, I have
played the guitar a little.

But not, not to
any great extent.

I, I had, uh, when I was
in university, university

dropout, my friend taught me
how to play, um, Eagle Rock.

And I played it by
ear and that was it.

Riz Mirza: Well, I'll
tell you something.

You have this, you
played it by ear, right?

Rod Bland: Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: That's remarkable.

Guys who are watching,
you heard what he said?

If you guys are playing
music, he just said he picked

it up and played it by ear.

Rod Bland: Oh, my friend
taught me how to play it.



It's, it sounds more awesome
than it actually was, I

Riz Mirza: No, but
you never knew how to

play the instrument.

Rod Bland: No.

Riz Mirza: So there's
something musical in you.

Now I said bass for a
reason, cause this whole

time when I've been kind
of just wanted to give you

a little psychic thing.

Um, so there was a
musician named Count Basie.

It wasn't a, he wasn't
named that after the bass

instrument, but I feel he's
one of your spirit guides.

Rod Bland: Right.

You know, I love asking
when I have, I've had

many psychics on, but I
always, I'm reluctant to

ask about anything to do
with me, but I like it when

something does come through.


Riz Mirza: going to tell you,
so Rod, I'm taking, taking

this part over cause you're

too humble and, and nice.

And you want everybody to get
information, but I want to

give Rod a couple of messages.

Number one, since these are
firsts that we're doing on,

since we're going to Oz,
I'll be the wizard, Riz the

Wiz of Oz today, just for

a few minutes, if I may.

Um, Count Basie is
one of your guides.


And the whole time I've
been sitting here channeling

everything, I just kept
hearing that like that kind

of music, you know, that

jazzy kind of swing
kind of music.

And the message I want to
get give to you is he was

all about syncopation,

and orchestration.

Let's call it SOS.

orchestration, and.

Syncopation when things
are syncopated, it's

like a syncopated rhythm.

It's like there's a certain,
how would I say, a certain

attack, very precise.

You're all about that.

You don't, you're
like a crocodile.

You don't move unless you,
you're ready and you have

to, you'll sit in the swamp
all day long and the moment

comes and, and then it's done.

You don't waste energy.

And he's like that.

He doesn't waste a note.

And he's here to
teach you that.

Making sense about you?


you know, I don't know
you personally, but this

is what's coming through.

I hope this

Rod Bland: bang on.

Riz Mirza: coming through.

The other thing is, you
had a past life where

you held, you had, you
held very heavy tools.

I feel either you have a
repulsion to those kinds

of things or you're into
it and want to get into it.

But it's not in the middle.

Rod Bland: Yes.

So the, the, well, that might
explain the fascination with

lifting heavy things, like
lifting weights ever since I

was very, very, very young.

Riz Mirza: You ever
have those hand grips?

Rod Bland: Yeah.


Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: And they
keep showing me your

hands like this.

Rod Bland: Yeah.


Riz Mirza: wanting to do that.

Rod Bland: Mm

Riz Mirza: you had this,
you needed to have this

big machinery in your
hands in this past life.

I don't know where it is.

I'm not going to look
at them too much, but I

keep seeing your hands.

I also, by the way, I don't
know this name, Jenny or

Jeannie means anything to you.

That's come this,

Rod Bland: hmm.

I'll let

Riz Mirza: am I
putting it on the spot?

Rod Bland: no, no.

It's all good.

Love it.

Love it.

Riz Mirza: Okay.

It makes sense to you.

She was in that
past life with you.

We don't have to say it
because I'm sure it's

personal, but she was in
that past life with you.

And she's here because,
um, she believes in you

and, um, she recognizes
who you are because you

were, you're mo I almost
want to say you were like

moving mountains and that.

Um, I also see that this
was Greece, like sort of

like a Greek, Greek, Greek
environment, but it almost

feels mythical to me.

People go, well, we
didn't have Zeus and

Apollo in real life.

I go, yes, we did.

It's just in a different
dimension than you're

seeing right now.

Of course they existed.

Cause people the time,
are dragons real?

I go, yes, but not in
this dimension, in the

one right next to us.

That's why we can never let go
of the archetypes of Merlin,

the archetypes of dragons.

It can be, you can make more
and more movies about it.

No one will ever
get tired of it.

It's innate in us to
believe in that and to feel

the gravitas of a dragon.

Because they exist in this
dimension right next to us.

So Count Basie wants
you to kind of look,

maybe Wikipedia him.

I don't know much about him.

Read about some of the
things he said and read

some quotes from him.

And it's going to be
inspiring for you.

Last but not least, um,
do you have any dinosaur

artifacts in your house?

Rod Bland: Uh,

Riz Mirza: You
know, like fossils?

Rod Bland: I don't think so.

Riz Mirza: Get one.

Um, it's like
your lucky charm.

Um, it could be, you know,
believe it or not, they're

actually kind of cheap.

They're not, you would think
they're very expensive.

They're not.

Anything that's like a fossil.

Um, it is about something
that carries, you're here

bringing information.

That's going to, the
show is going to get four

times as big this year.

Um, so you need, just as a
power totem in your house, get

something that is an original
kind of dinosaur fossil.

It could even be a
fossilized fish, man.

I feel like you have this or
someone, you know, has this.

It doesn't feel far off.

Do you know if somebody
has this that, you know,

hanging in their house?

Rod Bland: Um, maybe my
mother, maybe my in laws,

they've got a lot of that
kind of thing that, I

don't remember specifically
a fossil, but maybe.

I'll find out.

I mean, I was actually, I had

Riz Mirza: look like, right?

Rod Bland: I recently had
an obsession with getting

something and I just, I only
just bought this crystal.

This is the very first
crystal I ever bought, but

I don't know why I bought
it, but I want, I had to,

I had to get something
like some little thing.

Riz Mirza: Well, you know,
think about how long it

took to form that crystal.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Riz Mirza: You can't even
imagine how long it took

to form that crystal.

So that ancient ness

kind of is, it's, you know,
people throw around the term

old soul, but you are one.

And I want you to have
some certain things that

are very cosmic, like mind
blowing things like, wow,

these things roam the earth.

I have a piece of
it here in my house.

Um, very, very good.

Do you have kids?

Rod Bland: I've got four.

Riz Mirza: Wow.

Who's the second one?

Rod Bland: The
second one is Belle.

My, uh, five year old,
nearly six year old daughter.

Riz Mirza: Um, curious.

Does she talk to herself?

Rod Bland: Uh, yeah,
she talks a lot.

Riz Mirza: Yeah.

She has, um, she has a
little empathic gift.

She knows things.


she's your psychic kid.

She should spend
time with the horses.

Rod Bland: My, um, uh, my
brother in law has forces.

Riz Mirza: Great.

Has she been to his place yet?

Rod Bland: Yeah.


Riz Mirza: Is she scared
of them, or does she,

will she go touch them?

Rod Bland: Nah, yeah,
she's not scared of them.


Riz Mirza: Okay, great.

So, she needs to touch,
she needs to have her

hand on their mane.

And ask her little things,
like when you're there,

say, So, Belle, what is, uh,
what is the horse saying?

What do you think

the horse is saying?

Don't pressure her, just
be like, what do you

think the horse is saying
or thinking right now?

And just leave it at that,
whatever she says, accept it.

And then each time she's
around a horse, just

ask her that again.

I feel she has some animal
communication skills in her.

And who's the kid with
the sinus problem?

Rod Bland: Uh, that
would be Jacob.

He's my second oldest.

Riz Mirza: Yeah, he should be
taking something called NAC.

Look, look into it.

Rod Bland: Oh, and
acetylcysteine, and

then inacetylcysteine.

Riz Mirza: Yes, but he
should get it in the

effervescent tablet form,

Rod Bland: Okay.

Riz Mirza: in the capsule.

Look up on the internet
where you can get that.

I see

him drinking this fizzy drink
and it has to do with that.

Rod Bland: I just happen to, I
work for a supplement company.

Riz Mirza: Okay.

You do.

That's great.

So, uh, I think that's
called Pharma NAC.


think it's from Switzerland.

That serves me correctly.

Thank you.

Rod Bland: Thank you.

Do you have a
message for my wife?

Riz Mirza: Yes.

What's her name?

Rod Bland: April.

Riz Mirza: Yeah.

Does she ever get
any headaches?

Rod Bland: She does?

Mm hmm.


Riz Mirza: that and I'm
just looking into the first

thing that popped up at me.

She has to be able to just,
and it may take some time

for her to have a nap in the
house with no one around.

You got four kids.

I don't know how that's
ever going to happen.

Rod Bland: we have
a interesting living

situation so she can she
can do that, not every

Riz Mirza: She needs to,
she may not be able to

physically when she's actually
makes the time because you

might go, I can't do this.

You might

sleep 15 minutes ago.

What do I need to do next?

Um, couple of things
will help her.

One is, there's this, uh, name
Mary, which is around her.

Do you know this name?

Do you know who this
is referring to?

The name is Mary or
Marium or Miriam.

It's like that name.

It's an, I feel this
name is in spirit

Rod Bland: Mm

Riz Mirza: that's just, I
always like to say where

I'm getting this from,

but that's what's
coming to me.

Rod Bland: It

Riz Mirza: I know you guys
are in Australia, but has

she ever had the, has she,
have you guys been to the

Pacific Northwest yet, here

in the States?

There's a place called the

Redwoods here,

Rod Bland: Okay.

Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: There's a
place called the Redwoods.

Rod Bland: Yep.

Mm hmm.


Riz Mirza: Even if she can't
get to it, she should put

on the TV, like one of those
ambient rooms where the

people are walking through
the video, the Redwoods.

I feel it's almost like
she needs to ground, take

her shoes off, walk on the
earth, and feel the energy

in the, of the Redwood trees.

I know you don't really
have those trees in, in Oz,

Rod Bland: hmm.

Riz Mirza: but she's
from here originally.

I feel she was tribal
and from the States

Rod Bland: Right.

Riz Mirza: past life.

The other thing I want to
say is, uh, career change,

career change, career change,

Rod Bland: Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: um, that
is, it's happening.

Go full force on it.

I don't mean force
yourself on it.

I just mean like, let
the floodgates open,

let the floodgates open.

Where's her dad?

Rod Bland: Uh, yeah,
he's still around.

Is he

Riz Mirza: But
like, where is he

Rod Bland: Oh, he, uh, he's on
the south coast, so he's about

two hours south of Sydney.

Riz Mirza: Okay, so
she can, she can talk

to him about this.

Okay, I want to, there's
something about, has she

ever spoken about this, the
career thing to her dad?

Rod Bland: Um, I'm not sure.

She hasn't shared that
with me, if she has.


Riz Mirza: I feel like,
um, she's kind of here

to express what her dad
didn't express in life.

I don't know how to say that.

Say it that

Rod Bland: That actually
does make a lot of sense.

Riz Mirza: Okay.

And when she knows that,

and when she tells him
that, what that's going to

do is give her the kind of
the spiritual rocket fuel

to launch her forward.

Also, is it that you and
your living space, like,

are you in your own home?


Rod Bland: Yes, I am.


Yeah, this is actually my,
my office slash bedroom.

Riz Mirza: Okay.


I know this is a
weird question.

Do you or somebody near
this house fix motors?

Rod Bland: Uh, fix motors.

Riz Mirza: Or have a motor
outside or something.

I hear a motor and I'm
not talking about with

my physical ear over this

Rod Bland: Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: but it's like
someone works in that field

or this is going around in
that, in that immediate area.

If you don't know, or

there isn't,

Rod Bland: have a, friend
who does, but it's not

in this immediate area.

Riz Mirza: okay.

What, but he, what does he do?

Rod Bland: Yeah,
he's a mechanic, so

Riz Mirza: Has he come
over to this house?

Rod Bland: He has been, yeah,
it was a while ago, but yeah.

Riz Mirza: Okay, did
he lose a parent?

Rod Bland: Um, yes, yes,
when he was very young.

Riz Mirza: Yeah, I know
this is, you go, wow, how

is this happening here now?

This is the way it works.

He's not going to a medium.

Rod Bland: Mm hmm.

Riz Mirza: I'm mentally,
psychically hearing someone

who has something to do
with motors because there's

somebody here who is a parent
trying to get this message to.

Rod Bland: Oh, okay.

Alright, yeah, he's the
only one of my friends

who has had that, as
far as I'm aware, who's

Riz Mirza: Yes,

Rod Bland: yep,

Riz Mirza: his parent
is fine and with him.

And considers him
very, very smart.

Rod Bland: yeah, he is.

Riz Mirza: The eldest
child's name is what?


Rod Bland: Uh, Ethan.

Riz Mirza: Charmer.

The first thing I have to
say, his charm is going

to get him everywhere.

I see that he, he's dealing
with, um, you know, look,

he's, he's a thinker and a
feeler, and he's going to

be trying to understand,
um, his place and really

understanding his own power.

I want to say every human
being has to know how to

understand their own anger
and things that disturb

them and he's going through
that and, uh, it's just,

it is just teaching him how
to drop into his heart and

having good outlets for that.

And, um, he's a leader
and he will step into

that as he gets older.

I know this is the one last
thing and I'm giving you a

reading in front of everybody
on your show, watching this.

Um, Is this name, and I
don't, if this is a nickname,

and I know it sounds funny,
but is the name like B.


or, is this a, is this
a nickname for someone

or initials for someone?

Rod Bland: Oh, well my
daughter, we call Her Belbel,

Riz Mirza: Bell Bell.

Rod Bland: but we
always say Belbel.

That's, we don't use
Bel, we use Belbel.

Riz Mirza: Okay, because
I hear that around where

you are, so I didn't
know what that was.

Okay, Bell Bell.

Okay, got it.

And you said her
name earlier, Bell.

Got it.

Okay, but I kept hearing B.




like, so you call
her Bell Bell.


There is um, one more
message I want to give,

give me, give me a moment.

And does his name
Carrie or Carol mean

anything to you guys?

You or your wife?

You have to ask her,
you want to ask her?

You want to text her?

Rod Bland: digging.


Riz Mirza: Yeah, no,
this name is coming up.

I don't


It could be for the
future, but it has to

do with the new career.

The new shift.

Carrie or Carol.

Carol is more of
an older name.

Carrie is more of a current
name, but that's probably

what they call her.

And last but not least, one
more, guys, for the road.

It's fun to watch psychic
reading sometimes.

Um, all the time for me.

Is your, um, your reach
that's starting to go

out into the world.

It is, think of it
as when you play your

music, they will come.

Because the sound will
carry the vibration.

There's certain things
like putting yourself out

there that you have to do.

Natural things that you have
to do any time that you're

trying to expand your work
in the public eye, but other

than that, it's more about all
you have to do is take your

bouquet of roses and wave it
in the air and the wind is

going to carry the fragrance.

You don't have to take
your bouquet of roses and

stick it in someone's face,

go smell this, and you're
doing that and the winds

are picking up, brother.

Rod Bland: Yeah, people,
people, I spent a long time

like, reaching, and now
it's, it's starting to go

Riz Mirza: get any pain in
your side, in your rib area?

Rod Bland: Uh, if I lay on my
right hand side, it's, it's,

Riz Mirza: like,
but like killer.


Rod Bland: oh,
not, not killer.



I wouldn't say it was killer.

Riz Mirza: why does it
feel like it's super

tight right in here?

Where I'm see where I'm going.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

It's just I do, I, I, I
can't really lay on that

side when I'm sleeping
because of that discomfort.

I have

Riz Mirza: Okay.

That's what it is.


So it's okay.


It's interesting.

Why is that?

Why am I feeling that in you?

Is there, was there an
injury or something?

Rod Bland: Yeah.

I don't think there was,

Riz Mirza: What is that
Why is that happening?

Rod Bland: yeah, I'm
not, I'm not sure.

Riz Mirza: Isn't it weird?

Rod Bland: Yeah.


Riz Mirza: It's weird
enough where I feel it from

across the Pacific ocean.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

And you're sitting
here, it's fine.

It's only when I actually,
when I lay down to sleep,

when I notice it, I
go, Oh God, I've got to

roll back the other way.

Riz Mirza: Yeah.

yeah, yeah.

Um, well, you know, do
the physical things that

are necessary for that.

But I feel like it's almost
like the ligaments are

somehow tight in here.

And I feel that it's
connected to all the way in

the back on the right side.

And you should get your
massage therapist just

dig their elbow in there.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Riz Mirza: Something
very tight in there.

Rod Bland: Maybe it's
just that I should see

a massage therapist.

Cause I never ever see one.

And it's people have been
telling me to do that.

Riz Mirza: And maybe
a very talented Cairo.

Rod Bland: hmm.

Riz Mirza: That's it
for my little reading

guys that you've

got to see where I

Rod Bland: That's awesome.

I'm so glad this is recorded.

Um, Riz, it's been
an absolute pleasure.

How about you just tell us,
you know, how people can

find out more about your work

Riz Mirza: Sure.

You can reach me.

Uh, best, uh, two
things you can do is

follow me on Instagram.

It's psychic Riz the
Wiz with underscores

between all those words.

Psychic Riz the Wiz and my.

Website is riz miza.com,
R-I-Z-M-I-R-Z a.com.

And that you can learn
all about my retreats.

We lead retreats to Egypt,
pyramid retreats, going

into the secret spaces
in the vortexes of Egypt.

It's a week long,
beautiful retreat.

It's happening in December.

Have a retreat to Japan to
um, Salem, Massachusetts,

Sedona, Arizona, Mount Shasta.

All of these wonderful
retreats are on my website.

I do personal psychic
readings by phone.

And shamanic work, which
is held here in the

Southern California area.

And I also have a YouTube
channel with my wife called

Metamystic, where I do
live psychic readings.

I also do channeling
and talking about

all things mystical,
magical, and mysterious.

Rod Bland: Awesome.

Have you got any final
message for the viewers?

Riz Mirza: I do.

My final message
is this, guys.

Don't give up on your joy
and your peace because

you don't like what's
going on in the world.

There are certain people
also that are meant to be

no longer in your life.

Allow them to go and
know it's because there's

a different experience
in terms of friends.

That you need to be around
and the more that we let

go of judge, judgment,
blame, victimhood, the

freer you will become.

So take back your power.

Your ultimate power
is your peace.

That's the only real
power there is, is peace.

And you need that
for yourself now.

So dedicate yourself to that.

If I may suggest that to
you, please receive it.

Thank you.

Rod Bland: Riz, thank
you so much for coming

on my show today.

Riz Mirza: Blessings.

So good to talk to you.

Rod Bland: Can't
wait to do it again.

UC 36: The Struggles of a Trance Channeler Trying to Understand His Gifts - Riz Mirza
Broadcast by