UC 42: New Channeled Wisdom: ABRAHAM Reveals Humanity's TRUE Nature & Purpose! | Benny Ferguson

Benny Ferguson: Your
true nature is endless.

It has no beginning.

It has no end.

You're pure consciousness.

You are existing now on
multiple planes of existence,

having multiple experiences.

Now you've had existed on many
planes in many dimensions.

You've had many lifetimes that
have led you to this point.

Think about it.

Many of you that are listening
to this conversation, this

interaction, five, ten years
ago, you weren't open to

this type of interaction.

Rod Bland: With me today
is Benny Ferguson, Jr.

Thanks for coming
on the show, Benny.

Benny Ferguson: Yeah, Ron,
it's awesome to be here.

We're excited.

Rod Bland: Yeah, me too.

Uh, we were just saying
off the air that's really

my first introduction to,
I guess anything really.

Well, anything esoteric
apart from UFOs because

I've been interested in
that for a long time.

But as far as channeling
goes, especially was

the work of, uh, Esther
Hicks with, uh, Abraham.

And so I was really excited
to get your email to, uh, have

you on as a guest on the show.

So, um, I'm curious about
your, your personal journey

with channeling Abraham.

So can you share a bit
about how this connection

first began for you and
how it's evolved over time?

Benny Ferguson: Yeah, well,
the connection for me, um,

I guess I started channeling
back in 2012 is when I, when

I realized I was channeling.

Now, to tell the truth,
looking back, I was, I had

already begun channeling.

I just didn't know.

And the funny thing is
it was with school when

I was in college, um,

when I had a paper to write.

And this, this is, it seems
funny and weird at the same

time when I tell it, but,
when I would have a paper

to write, I would get, do
all the research and have

the paper, have everything
ready, but I could never

actually get my mind straight
to sit down and write it

until the night before.

And the night before, it would
be 12:30, 1:00 o'clock, it's

due the next day, and the
whole paper, three, four, five

page paper would come through.

And, and now looking back,
the way it happened, I was

being supported then and
just didn't realize it.

So it was, You know, and
then finding out later that

this is something that I
had done before prev in

previous lifetimes and it's
something that I said I

was going to do this time.

And so looking back Over my
life, you know, starting as

a child, I was having what
I called nightmares in like

early elementary school.

I was trying to, they
were trying to contact me

and kind of get me moving
along this path back then.

I just wasn't ready.


I was in religion and
my family and all my

family was in religion.

So I had no framework for
any of this type of thing

until 2006 when I had a
spontaneous out of body

experience and so that kind
of forced me to start looking

outside of religion and
outside of all the things

that I had grown up around.

Um, and when I first
started channeling, I

wasn't channeling Abraham.

Um, I was listening
to a lot of Esther.

Uh, I had watched The
Secret and, and kind of

got intrigued by that.

Um, I don't know how many
people did this, but I, all

of the people that were in The
Secret, I went and found their

websites and all that stuff,
and I looked for information

on what they studied to
get to where they were.

And so I found all their
book lists and all these

things that they suggested,
bought all the books,

read all of the stuff that
they read, on their way.

And then of course I was
listening to the videos

and that type of thing.

And then for whatever
reason, you know, I started

channeling with, with Abraham
and I, and I asked if it

was them, cause it kind of
felt similar to how I felt

sometimes when I was listening
to them on the videos.

And, um, we've kind of been
doing it for a while now.

I guess probably, you know,
2006, I started, no, not

2006, 2012, I started and
not shortly after It's been

me channeling them, but in
the initial, it wasn't them.

And I know it wasn't them.

I could feel different
vibrational presences on me

and I could interpret what
they were communicating to me.

And I, you know,
I recorded them.

Sometimes I would
speak in some, I

started off writing it.

typing, trying to get
the, make sure I could

hold the connection.

Uh, and then I moved from
typing it to trying to speak

it because I was seeing
other people speaking.

So I was trying to
speak and make sure I

stay out of the way.

So the connection was clear,
you know, and, and then trying

to just went from there.

And then when I asked the
question, because like I

said, this feeling felt
similar and they said it

was Abraham Collective
and all of this stuff.

So I'm asking
questions just for me.

You know, in the beginning,
like, okay, who and what?

And so it kind of just
progressed from there.

And we've kind of just
developed and I've worked to

try to get better at allowing
them to communicate through

me so that we can be the, the
level of support that now I

know that I'm inspired to be,
which is, which is supporting

beings who are human at this
moment to be the most powerful

versions of themselves
and know who they are.

While they're walking
physically and not after

they make the transition.

Rod Bland: You mentioned the
spontaneous OBE that occurred.

I'm fascinated by OBEs.

Can you tell us a bit more
about what happened there?

Benny Ferguson: Yeah, it's,
um, well, at the time I

was working in financial
services, I was fully

licensed, uh, insurance,
mutual funds, and different

things that we were offering.

And You know, I've always
been a, a strong learner

and all of that stuff.

And so I knew everything
that I needed to do.

I just couldn't get
myself to do it right.

As far as the performance
making the calls, there was

extreme fear of rejection
there, uh, as far as one of

the fears that was in between
me and being able to actually

perform, make the calls and,
and go on the sales calls

while the guy that trained me.

He was very successful at
the time and he's still

doing that business.

He's very, very
financially successful.

Our vice president who
had more, who has and had

multiple offices at that time.

I mean, he was doing close
to six figures a month.

And so I spent a lot of
time around these guys.


I ate with them.

We went to conventions
and stuff together.

So I knew everything they
knew about the business.

And so I, but I couldn't get
myself to do the activities.

I didn't know then it was
the fears and all of that

stuff that I had in my mind.

Uh, but so I was driving
home one day, about a

30 hour, 30 minute drive
from the office back home.

And I was just
upset with myself.


I started crying.

I'm so upset.

Like what's wrong with me?

And I can't do the, I see
these guys doing it, but

I can't get myself to do
it to the level that I

need to, to even be at
the place financially I

need to be for myself.

And so I think a couple of
weeks later, I had, uh, and

this is what, this is 2006.

I had another fear
based dream, nightmare.

Um, and right before I woke
up, I told myself that I

was tired of being afraid.

And when I woke up, I was in
an angry and I, it felt like

fire was coming off of me and
I got up and I was standing

beside my bed and I was just
furious at myself, you know,

just tired of being afraid of
just life in general, knowing,

not knowing how to get myself
to do some of the things that

I've always been inspired to
do, you know, be in business.

And, and I've been leading
since I was, A 14 year

old overweight kid, you
know, I've been doing

things and leading people.

And, uh, my wife came
around the front of the bed.

This is like at 1.

30 in the morning.

She's asking me to calm down.

And then it happened and
I was behind my body.

My vision was 360 degrees.

I can see my body, I can
see my wife in front of

me, asking me to calm down.

And it took all I had to
keep myself from attacking

her because I was so upset.

And so what seemed like
a long time was probably

just, you know, barely
a second, maybe two.

Then I was back in my body
and I turned and I, hit the

bookshelf that was beside me.

And so that's how I know
it wasn't a dream, right?

So because the next few
days, the next week, my hands

were still all bruised up.

Um, so that's kind of
what got me out of the

religion idea and on
the path of looking for,

okay, what happened to me?

I see that there's more
now, so I need to figure

out what's really going on.

And Rod, I tell you, when
that happened, I asked one

question that has kind of
been the overarching umbrella,

which I've gathered, I've
put everything that I've

learned up under, because
you know, there's so many

different ways you can go.

Like you said, from, from
UFOs and all of the stuff

out there that is, you
know, non physical things,

psychic things that we, that
are potentials for us that

we can go down, the road
paths that we can go down.

But I asked one question,
I said, Since I know now

that what I'm seeing and,
and the body and all these

things is not the truth,
I'm gonna find out what's

going on and what's true.

But what control and power do
I have in and over my life?

That's the only question
I've got because I can't get

myself to do what I, what
I wanna do in my life here.

What control and power
do I have if none of this

stuff is really real,
if it's not the truth.

And so everything that I've
learned, I've put under that

one question and everything
that I've learned under that

question is what I have for
people to support people with.

And so that's been
my guiding point ever

since that happened.

Rod Bland: Yeah, there's
often a catalyst, isn't

there, that causes you to
rethink your entire existence.

Benny Ferguson: Yeah.

I'm fine.

And even with, you know, as
I listened to other people's

stories and, you know,
other guests that you've

had, it's very similar.

Rod Bland: So, um, I'm deeply
grateful that you're sharing

your personal journey with
us, Benny, and if it fills

a line for you, I'd like
to invite Abraham to join

the conversation directly.

Would that be okay?

Benny Ferguson: Yeah.

Rod Bland: Awesome.

Just for people who are
watching that maybe not

familiar with channels, could
you, um, just describe the

process and what it's like for
you to, to do the channeling?

Benny Ferguson: Well, it's
not, it's for me and I don't

know if this is something
that they have developed or

not they have developed, but.

I don't really have
to do anything, right?

It's like, they're
always here.

And, and I mean, they're
here right now and they're

ready to start talking.

And, and they try to,
they tell me to stop

saying we, right.

And that it's just us,
you know, um, but I don't

really have to do anything.

There's no process
or anything.

I just,

Kind of get out of the
way and then just start

communicating what's
being communicated to me.

And it comes from
this direction.

I can tell you that.

It comes from this direction.

That's, that's
where I perceive the

information coming.

But like I said, I don't
really have to do anything.

So we can, we can
rock and roll.

Rod Bland: Amazing.

So you're, you're, um, you're
fully conscious of everything

that's said or like, uh,

Benny Ferguson: I am, but I,
I, I remember bits and pieces

because I'd, like I said, I
try to stay out of the way.

If I try to, if I try to
interpret and understand

and participate, the
connection is not as pure.

What's going to happen is when
I first start, it may sound

a little slow and a little
choppy, but as we go on,

it'll get cleaner and it'll be
like we're talking right now.

Rod Bland: All right.


All right.

Well, I've got it.

I've got a few questions here.

Benny Ferguson: Okay.

Rod Bland: Um, so, um,
Abraham's mentioned, I've

heard mentioned often that
our experiences have got

seeds or causes that's rooted
in our thoughts and beliefs.

So how can we identify
and transforming any

limiting belief undesired
outcomes in our lives?

Benny Ferguson: Yeah, that's
an excellent question.

That's an excellent question.

And we are here.

Yeah, we're always here.

We're, we're always kind of.

Behind the scenes, trying
to, trying to push through.

Benny does a lot on his
own through his experience

and he's had a lot and, you
know, believe it or not, in

a short amount of time, we've
supported a lot of people.

And so he has a lot of
information, but we're

always behind the scenes
and excited to come

through and participate in
conversations like this.

Um, identifying limiting
beliefs, identifying those

dominant ideas within the
human, the being who is

human, which is each of you.

that limits you, that
stands in resistance or in

conflict to that which you
desire, that which you are

inspired to be, do, and have.

The truth is, it's
right in front of you.

It's always in front of you.

Anything that

feels off, anything that
you might call negative,

a negative happening,
these are ideas within

you being reflected.

You have to understand that
That which is appearing

outside of you is a
reflection of, and the

truth is that those closest
to you reflect it at a

higher frequency than what
you might call a stranger.

But anything that's
appearing outside of you

is a reflection of you.

It's telling you what type
of ideas exist within you.

Now, you may not be
conscious of those ideas,

But when you can start
saying and believing

in yourself, okay, I'm
paying attention to what's

happening outside of me.

This was great.

Okay, that's fine.

This experience, not so great.

I really didn't like it.

So what is it that was,
is within me that aligned

me with that experience?

And we understand

that sometimes you don't want
to take responsibility for it.

Sometimes you don't want to
say, you don't want to believe

that I in any way had any part
in creating this experience.

But your plane of existence
is built that way.


That which is appearing
outside of you is a

reflection of you.

Some way you are aligning
with that experience.

The collaborative components
that show up outside of

you in support of you to
create experience are there

because of what you are
offering energetically.

So once you have an experience
that you, that is undesirable,

you can go into what you
call your meditation and

ask your inner being.

And these are, there's,
there's pieces and parts to

these things that you want to
get, maybe get familiar with.

Before you really jump into,
but our biggest suggestion,

what we support people
in understanding is that,

number one, your imagination
is a two way mirror.

It's not a one way mirror.

Oftentimes individuals
think that, hey, they can

daydream or they can imagine
something and put it on

the screen of their mind.

But think about your dreams.

When you have a dream,
there's imagery there that

you're not putting there.

So where does it come from?

Well, it's coming
from your inner being.

It's giving you imagery
based on things that you

are familiar with trying
to communicate with you.

So your,

so your imagination
is a two way mirror.

It's a two way mirror
or a two way window.

So what we suggest, you go
into meditation, get yourself

into a high vibration, ask
your inner being what ideas

Are there that's aligning
me with this experience?

Or what ideas am I carrying
that are resisting that

which I am trying to create?

And allow it to show you via
the imagery of how the idea

is represented within you.

on the screen of your mind
because you don't want to

skip over these things.

Resistance, inner conflict
is not something that you

just don't, you just want
to get rid of because

it's there for a reason.

These ideas inside of you are
there perfectly for a reason

for you to support you when
you're growth and expansion.

So when you become aware
of these things, you

want to understand them.

You will first want to bring
them into the light with the

support of your inner being.

You want to understand them.

You want to understand
and know, okay, what's the

difference between these
ideas that I'm carrying and

the truth of you and source?

And then you want
to transform them.

And you transform them
by utilizing whatever

imagery that you're inner
being deems necessary

to release that idea.

And it's interesting,
sometimes it may be casting

it off into space somewhere
where you cannot reach

and it cannot return.

Whatever your inner
being suggests, that's

what you should do.

But the crux of it is.

Allow your inner being to
support you because it can see

that which is within your mind
and body as a dominant idea.

That which you cannot see at
the moment that you're not

conscious of, your inner being
can see, but you have to ask.

You have to ask and you have
to be in the position to be

able to allow that support
and be aware of how your inner

being is communicating to you.

That's why we said there,
there are steps from our

perspective that you need
to play with so that you

can be familiar with.

How your inner being
communicates to you.

Are you more feeling or are
you imagery or are you both?

We've had clients that
are one or the other or

they're kind of balanced.

Sometimes people are
more feeling when their

inner being communicates.

They're more so
about the feeling.

Sometimes they are more
perceptive of the imagery.

But the key is allow
your inner being to

show you by asking.

Allow your inner being
to show you what is there

and then work with it.

That's our Sajid.

Rod Bland: Thank you.

One of the purposes of my
channel is to wake people

up to the reality of who
and what they actually are.

Like they're just not
this physical being.

How would you describe the
nature of us as human beings?

Benny Ferguson: Oh
man, you're true.

Your true nature is endless.

It has no beginning.

It has no end.

You're pure consciousness.

You are existing now on
multiple planes of existence,

having multiple experiences.

Now you've had existed on many
planes in many dimensions.

You've had many lifetimes that
have led you to this point.

Think about it.

Many of you that are listening
to this conversation, this

interaction, five, ten years
ago, you weren't open to

this type of interaction.

But now you are, and that's
the result of your evolution,

not of this lifetime, but
of multiple lifetimes that

have placed you here to
listen to this interaction.

But the truth is,
you are eternal.

You are infinite.

And the only reason you do
not know that at this moment,

and you're not living and
breathing that truth, is

your current vibrational
expression, your current

position vibrationally
that you're offering in

the contents of your mind.

That which you
are believing in.

That's the only reason
you don't do not know.

And that's by design.

At the same time, As you
grow and understand the

truth of you, now you
understand why you're

putting in not the work,
but the play and practice

to get back to that point.

And it's not something
where you're having

to add things to you.

It's about letting go and
releasing the things that

are already within you.

The more you release, the
more truth The more light

will shine through you.

It's about releasing.

It's not about adding.


Rod Bland: I've heard you
say something along the

lines of that it's really
important that you align

yourself with things that
inspire you so that you

can live a fulfilling life.

And how do we distinguish,
sorry, let me say that

again, how do we distinguish
between these authentic sort

of soul level inspirations
and, and things that

are more ego driven or
societal conditioning?

Benny Ferguson: Mm-Hmm

Most of you that are, many
of you that are listening

to this, if you have
actually begun to play

and practice the work, if
you will, of releasing,

you have become aware of
those ideas within you.

Well, let's, let's
talk about this.

Let's talk about ideas within
you as mature beings who

are human that you know have
been present for a long time.

Many of you, many
of you have ideas.

You have been inspired
to things that have been

present for a long time and
you understand what we're

talking about because you
have been around mature

adults who are about to make
their transition and then

you have conversations with
them and they talk about

things that they always wanted
to do but they never did.

Those are inspirations.

Those are not just, hey, I
think I want to do this, or

hey, that's, I think I want to
get that car, or hey, I think

I want to go to this place.

Those are inspirations that
bubbled up inside of them

at a certain point in their
life, and they never left,


Benny's dad talks about
being interested in

being a marine biologist.

He said that multiple
times in conversation.

But of course, he believes
that he's too old to go back

to school and do all these
things, but he will say it

out of his mouth that this is
something that he's thought

about and been interested
in for many, many years.

That's an inspiration.

And each of you understand
that ideas that have never

left you and why the reason
is so powerful and the

reason it has never left.

is because that idea was
a part of the plan that

you set for yourself
before you entered into

your physical body.

And if you can be of the
vibrational expression of

the mental framework that
allows you to move down that

path, there are things in
place that you have been

set for you that help you in
your growth and expansion,

your evolution, if you will.

Now, do you have to do it?

No, but if you're capable
of doing it, you would

be breathing the life
that you actually set for

yourself and that feeling

highly recognizable for
each individual when you

know that you're living
your life in the way that

you're inspired to live.

It's a way of living that It's
part of what we're supporting

individuals to get to, but
understanding that the idea

of being inspired to do
something, that swelling of

high energy when something
appears or an idea and you're

like, that would be awesome.

I really, really want
to do that versus just

an, a fleeting idea of
the mind connected to

the mind of humanity.

There's a significant
difference in the feeling.

that allows you to understand
and the longevity of the idea.

An idea born of the mind
of humanity that sparks

in, it comes and goes.

That which you are
inspired to doesn't leave.

It stays.

You go to bed with it.

You wake up with it.

You go to bed with it.

You wake up with it.

You get frustrated at
not having acted on it.

Those are inspirations
born of your inner being,

trying to show you a path
that would be highest and

best for you to follow.


And what you just

Rod Bland: And there's a,
there's a lot of suffering

and injustice in the world
and it can be challenging to

hold this perspective that
everything is unfolding,

you know, perfectly well
from a higher viewpoint.

So how would you guide
someone to reconcile their,

you know, people that want
to have a compassion and a

desire to help with what's
going on and there's this

kind of wisdom of general
acceptance of how things are.

Benny Ferguson: The truth
is, as you go down the path

of personal development,
growth, evolution, from a

frequency perspective, the
more you develop and elevate

yourself, along your personal
journey, vibrationally, that

type of understanding opens
up and comes into you and the

more you're able to accept
the truth of the fact that

there is a greater planet
world for each individual,

and that all is perfect, and
that for each individual, if

you truly want to affect the
world, it's a matter of where

you're placing your attention.


We had a conversation with
someone recently, and they

were asking a similar question
about things happening in the

world, and we brought to light
for them, which they knew,

but they, you know, it's not
where you place your focus.

They knew that simultaneously,
while it looks like things

are bleak on the planet, at
the same time, there were,

there are millions of people
around the world consuming

information like this.


But you wouldn't know
that because mass media

is not showing these
type things, right?

So there is
excellence, brilliance,

perfection at play.

Vibrationally, number one,
that which you perceive to

be not so great is alignment
happening for individuals

and for groups, right?

In a low vibrational position,
but it's perfect because

each one was low vibrational
on this plane of existence

before they raised their
frequency and and got to a

higher place or positioned
themselves to even be open

to these type transmissions.

But there's also another
sector going on where

Individuals, like we said,
are listening and consuming

this type information
quietly, organically growing

in vibrational expression,
cleansing themselves of low

vibrational belief systems,
dominant ideas, and bringing

more light into the world.


And the more this happens,
the more each of you as

individuals participate in
this side of the happenings,

and the more light is released
into and onto your planet,

there's a critical mass
place that will get crossed,

to the point where it would
be undeniable that you were

able to look out and see.

Experiences being created
born of brighter light because

of the numbers of beings who
are human on your planet are

allowing it to flow through
each of them as individuals.

But it still comes back
to acceptance, both

personally and looking
out into the world.

Acceptance that things are
happening perfectly and that

each one is perfectly on
their own individual journey.

It really is about acceptance.

That was a perfect
word to use.

Rod Bland: Abraham, I've
read many of your books

and you've often emphasize
the power of focusing

on what you want rather
than what you don't want.

Um, yet we're also, this
is a conversation I often

have with my wife is that
we're, we're advised to

allow and fully feel our
genuine emotions as well.

So how can we honor our
feelings without sort of

amplifying the negative things
through our attention to them?

Benny Ferguson: hmm.

Well, you honor them

by loving yourself anyway.

Yes, I feel this way,

but I'm not standing
in judgment of myself.

I'm not calling myself
good, bad, right,

wrong, or negative.

I'm just seeing it.

I see that I feel this way.

And I love myself regardless.

Now the question is,
what is that doing?

What effect is that having?

The effect that that's having
is that the idea within you

that is the catalyst of that,
what you might call a low

vibrational idea, that is
the catalyst of the feeling.

When you love yourself in the
midst of feeling that idea

being expressed, The vibration
of the love, the vibration of

the acceptance, the vibration
of being excited, being able

to watch the movement within
the mind and body and not

be moved by it, not be moved
into action by it, that energy

is affecting the
idea within you,


It's disrupting the idea.

And the more often you're
able to do that, you're

actually dissolving those
low vibrational ideas that

are causing these types
of feelings to present

themselves inside of you.

But it's about getting to
the place where you're able

to, number one, witness those
expressions within your body.

and being strong enough
not to be affected or moved

by them, but to love them.

Loving yourself in
the midst of it.

Does that make sense?

Rod Bland: Yes, that does.

That's, that's very useful.

Benny Ferguson: Awesome.

Rod Bland: So the, the, the
path of spiritual growth,

for want of a better word,
it can be a bit lonely at

times and, um, it's, or it's
misunderstood by other people.

And this is true for me.

So what advice would you
offer to someone who's

feeling isolated or perhaps
a little bit discouraged in

their process of awakening?

Benny Ferguson:
Continue the path.

Continue the path.

Uh, intend, intend to come
in contact with like minded

people because they're out
there feeling very similar.

Sometimes feeling stuck,
not knowing what's next,

not knowing if they're doing
the right thing or not.


Not knowing what the
next process is, what

they should be doing.

Um, and yes, oftentimes at
this moment, individuals

who have become aware of
the truth and are seeking

to be an expression of
their truth are amongst

individuals not on that
same path, not in the same

position, which is perfect
because as you grow, You are a

vibrational model for
those that you are around.

So it's perfect,

but you can look out, like
we said, on your social

media and see that there
are others on the same path.

You can intend to come
in contact with others

on the same path.

But we do understand
the, that feeling.

We do understand that feeling.

That feeling is something that

Benny has experienced
and gone through often.


Even though he supports
individuals who are on this.


Intending to, if it's
necessary, if that's a

strong desire, but intending
to come in contact with

individuals so that you can
have similar like minded

conversations is one way.

But the truth is, as you
move down this path, the

stronger you will get because
the truth of you in source,

the truth of you in source,
in the truth of you in source,

all exist,

and what you are becoming
is a powerful individual

who is not only detached
from the happenings on your

plane of existence, but
is a source of light on

your plane of existence.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

This question just popped into
my head, so it must be one

that a lot of people have.

What actually happens
to us when we die?

Benny Ferguson: Well, the
first part of that is that

you never die, actually.

You just transition.

You make your transition.

And when you make your
transition, you evaluate

that which you created
in your life experience.

If we just use this plane
of experience, you evaluate

what was created and
you decide on the next.

Is there something that you
want to continue to explore

on this plane of existence?

Or is there another plane
that you desire to explore?

to go and create
an experience.

It depends on that which you
were capable of creating in

your life and also where you
are in your soul's evolution

in the overall grand scheme
of that which is You, but

there's no true death.

There's no death.

Consciousness does not die.

Consciousness exists.

Consciousness is eternal.

Therefore, you are.


Rod Bland: I've heard
you mention that in our

natural state we've got
access to an abundance of

insights and guidance and
I'm always looking for ways

to help, uh, tap into that.

So, um, what daily practices
or rituals would you

recommend for someone to
help strengthen that ability

to tap into that intuition?

Benny Ferguson: that is
a matter of frequency.

Tapping into your,
your abilities, your,

those abilities, those
abilities that exist

for each of you is a
matter of frequency.

What we don't, what, what
is misunderstood or not

known is that Truth is
a matter of frequency.

There are higher truths
that open up to you based

on your frequency, based on
your vibrational expression,

and therefore, and this
is the evolution, this is

the growth that happens.

If you think about the

spiritual teacher, someone
in your history that, that

made it into a book, right,
was written about, or

something of that nature,
the play and practice, the

meditations, all these things
that they did for many,

many years, the releasing

that they played with and that
they practiced that was a part

of their growth and expansion.

was about their
vibration raising.

Which is the same
thing for you.

As you go down this path
of growth and expansion,

as you take in this
material, and as you release

resistance organically,
your vibration rises.

And when you hold a higher
frequency, and it can be a

fraction of a, if we use your
higher lower idea, it can be

a fraction of an elevation,
of elevating in frequency from

where you are now normally.

That next level of frequency
expression held consistently

will open you up to ideas
born of that frequency,

which in turn opens you
up to new and greater

truths and understandings,
perception of life,

interpretation of life events.

This is what grows and expands
you into being able to accept

that which is happening
around you on your planet.

It's a matter of frequency.

It's a matter of vibration.

Does that make sense?

Rod Bland: it does.

So is it necessary for us to
be really good meditators or

is there some Is it just a
matter of if our frequency is

raised, that helps us like,
you know, say through music

or just being in nature is,
is, is that all we need to do?

Benny Ferguson: There you go.

There's the, the idea is to
understand what the purpose

of meditation is, right?

The purpose of meditation.

If you think about someone
sitting still, being still

in a quiet space where
they're doing, they're

shutting off their senses.


If you turn down the volume
on things so that you don't

have any input coming into
your hearing, you have your

eyes closed so you don't
have anything coming into

your, your seeing, you're not
eating or tasting anything.

So all of those things
are shut down and

you're being still.

And if you're doing a
meditation where you're

just focusing on your
breath, what are you doing?

You're giving your mind
something to focus on

because you can't quiet
the mind, but you can give

it something to focus on,
which stops all the chatter.

And when all the chatter
stops and your mind is not

jumping to and fro, normally
on ideas of low vibration,

normally considering things
that you do not want, well,

naturally, in that space,
your vibration lives.

This is the purpose of
meditation, giving the

mind something to focus
on so that you can begin

to become aware of what it
feels like within the body.

to not to be not to be
weighted by all of those

low vibrational ideas that
you're a person normally

considers throughout the day.

All the worries, all the
doubts, all the fears

that are ignited within
based on observing the

outside experiences
happening outside of them.

That's the purpose
of meditation.

But when you understand
that It's all about

raising your frequency.

That's at the core.

That's what's happening
when you give the mind

something to focus on.

Then you can shift.

Yes, you can still use it as
a tool, but then you can shift

to exactly what you said.

Music is a perfect way,
but actually it's anything

that lifts your spirits.

Anything that lifts
your, when we say spirit,

we're talking about your
vibration, your frequency.

It can be the remembering
of a beautiful experience.

It can be a favorite song.

It can be the idea
of the rainbow.

Anything that offers
a pure expression.

If you can situate yourself
in that feeling place and

lift even, like we said,
even a fraction of an

amount above your normal
walking around state and

hold it consistently.

the point.

And then understand why that
matters and what you're doing.

You're conditioning your body.

You're conditioning
your body to a higher

vibrational state of which
your mind aligns itself.

Your brain begins to
physically align itself

with this new vibrational
state, but you have to

be consistent with it.

You have to be
consistent with it.

Consistency is the key in this
practice, in these processes.

Consistency is the key.

This is what all of
your, what you would

call a spiritual master.

This is what they did.

They were consistent.

Oftentimes they went
to locations to where

they weren't bothered.

But each of you listening
to this information, if you

are living your life as a
normal being who is human,

and you're about to play in
practice of being consistent,

You're going to be much
stronger more quickly than

those spiritual teachers that
you read about because many

of them went to locations,
isolated locations, to

get to the place that they
were and they weren't being

bombarded through their
senses by everyday life, work,

family, marriage, children,
strangers, neighbors,

all of these things.

You are on this play about
this play and practice

while living your life.

So you're getting stronger,
faster, but it's still

about consistency.

It's still about consistency.

Rod Bland: Abraham, before
we wrap up, I'm, I'm curious

if you have any specific
insights or guidance for me

as the host of this podcast.

So what wisdom would
you offer me in my role

as an interviewer and,
you know, someone who's

trying to facilitate
these conversations?


Benny Ferguson: You have
done it some to this

point, we believe, uh,
but be intuitive about it.

Allow your inner being to
speak to you as you are

speaking to individuals
and asking questions.

The questions that, and you
have done it here, but look

for those deep questions to
ask, that the answers will

resonate and cut deeply into
your viewers, and truly, and

really, even more so than now,
open them up to where they are

still simmering on the inside
the next day, three days.

A week later, they're still
simmering from that which

was offered based on the
questions that you answered.

For you are connected
to your viewers, right?

You are connected
to your listeners.

So the more intuitive
you are in asking your

questions, The more

effective the answers
will be because they will

cut deeply, as deep as
you can pull and allow

the question to come.

Does that make sense?

Mm hmm, mm

Rod Bland: Yeah, it does.

So, I, I have one,
one final one.

It's, it's to do with things
that you're curious about and,

um, Reconciling things that
you're following the, sort of

following the lead of things
that you're curious about and

things that are, you know, I
guess seen to be of service.

And I, I feel like sometimes
just simply following

what you're curious
about is somewhat self

serving in a world where
we need people to be more

of a service to others.

So how do you reconcile
those two things?

What have you, what wisdom
have you got for us there?

Benny Ferguson: Yeah,
that's a powerful question.

That's a powerful
question, and the answer

may be a little uneasy
for many, but you have

to understand that This
is a selfish journey.

This is a selfish journey.

Each of you listening, each
of you as individuals, you

are the center of your verse.

And the truth is there's
nothing that you have to

do, even though you're being
inspired from the inside out.

But there's nothing
that you have to do.

You owe nothing.

You're not responsible
for anything, truly,

even though the mind of
humanity says, When you're

a husband, you should ABC.

When you're a parent,
you should ABC.

But actually, it's not true.

There's no shoulds.

There's no shoulds.

It is selfie.

And what you don't understand
is that if you selfishly

follow that which you are
inspired to, selfishly

follow those things that
you just mentioned, that

you're curious about,

you don't know what
knowledge, wisdom, next

steps, reveal themselves
as you follow those ideas.

That may help you be selfie.

A better husband, if that's
what you're intending.

Help you be a better
parent, if that's

what you're intending.

Gems are there if you follow
your selfish expressions,

your selfish curiosity.

For that's why you're here.

When you make your transition,
nobody else is there.

It's only you.

This is a huge misconception,
because humanity has been

conditioned to believe
that this spiritual

journey is about being
all of these things to

others, when the truth is,

your ability to be of
the highest effect and

influence to others
is as a result of you.

of your personal having grown
personally as an individual,

and you grow personally as
an individually by following

that which bubbles up inside
of you, and that which

bubbles up inside of you
actually is only for you.

You see how that's kind
of, there's like an inverse

thing going on there?

Rod Bland: Hmm.

Benny Ferguson: The more
selfish you are about

following that which you are
excited about, Especially

if you're on this path,

the stronger and the brighter
of a light you are, number

one, a model for all of those
you come in contact with.

But then when you start adding
in that idea of acceptance,

you're capable of being

and getting closer and
closer to being a full, free

expression of source for those
closest to you and for those

that you come in contact with.

seeking your support.

It's a very interesting
thing, but that perspective,

the interpretation,
the understanding

opens up to you again.

It's tied to the frequency.

It's tough.

It's tied to the frequency
that you're offering,

that you're breathing,
that you're interacting

in on a consistent level.

The understanding of
all of these things.

is in the frequency
that you're offering.

So, if we were to suggest
anything, it would be to reach

for the highest frequency
that you can, as often as

you can, and try to hold it.

Again, conditioning the mind
and body to that frequency,

and opening yourself up to
the truths of that frequency.

And if you can do that, if
you play with that and stay

with that, everything that
you desire to understand

will make its way into you.

And when it starts to make its
way into you, you will know.

And you'll also know that
you're doing the right things

as far as your personal
growth and expansion.

You'll know that you're
on the right path and

moving in the right

Rod Bland: Thank you.

Is there anything that, uh,
you'd like to get towards

in this conversation?

Anything you'd like
to leave people with?

Anything additional
that you'd want to say

that isn't necessarily a
question I've already asked?

Benny Ferguson:
Open yourself up.

Ask yourself questions.

Based on where you are,
ask yourself questions.

Ask yourself what's next.

Ask yourself who
you are truly.

What you are capable of.

Ask yourself those,
those deep questions.

And don't be
ashamed to ask them.

Humanity has been conditioned
through its religion that

you have to be human.

Careful about what you ask.

That hierarchy thing, that
authority hierarchy thing

that has been sewn into
humanity's spiritual growth

that completely throws it off.

The truth is that
you're talking to you.

When you ask the question, so
it doesn't matter how angry

you are, it doesn't matter
how frustrated you are, it

doesn't matter how excited
you are, just understand

that you're talking to you.

So whatever the question
that you have, or even if

you don't know what questions
to ask, ask what questions

you need to be asking.

That will help you move
down the path of growth

and expansion for you and
expect the answer, right?

Expect the answer because
you're talking to you and

the minute you start asking
the question, the minute

you will start pulling the
information to you that is

perfect for you in the moment.

That is what we think is
something that needs to be

understood, needs to be known
for, for those listening.

Rod Bland: Abraham, it's
been a great privilege for

me to be able to talk to you.

Um, uh, there's
probably more for Benny.

Uh, people are going to
want to ask questions.

Benny, could you let us
know, you know, briefly what

you've got going on as far
as how people can get in

touch with you, if there's
any particular services

that you offer people?

Benny Ferguson: Yeah, well,
we're growing a global

community, which is exciting.

I've worked with people and
have people in our community

now all over the world.

I have people in
your, in your country.

Um, but yeah, you can find us
at, well, we have, first of

all, to get people started.

We have a few free things,
uh, free trainings.

One is, uh, at


That's a, um, free training
that kind of discusses

who you are, and what
you're capable of and why

you don't know it yet.

Uh, there's another free
training that at www.

accelerated evolution.

com where we talk about
the three attention shifts

that you have to make in
order to know that you're

working at your foundation
and it gets into the whys of

what we were talking about.

The purpose of meditation,
the purpose of reaching

for a higher frequency.

We go over those things.

Again, there's so many
different directions a person

can go, uh, on this path.

But if you want to know how
to make sure that you're

doing the right things and
working at your foundation

to really expand yourself
as an individual, we go over

those three attention shifts.

Uh, you can find us on
YouTube, uh, at Consciousness

Ascending, hyphen, Benny R.

Ferguson, JR.

Uh, we're always putting
new material up there.

Uh, but if you connect
with us through any of

those venues, then You will
get the information about

what else is going on.

We do private sessions.

We have, uh, monthly
workshops, and we have

a private community
that's growing, uh, where

we offer, like, close
contact interaction.

conversation, uh, weekly Q and
A's for people who are really

about the play and practice
of releasing the resistance

that they have in their life
and expanding and wanting

to accelerate that process.

Rod Bland: All right.

Well, we'll put links
to all of that in the

show notes, Benny.

Uh, thank you so much
for being my bestie.

Let me try that again.

Thank you so much for
being my guest today.

It's been a great
pleasure to talk to you.

Benny Ferguson: Yeah,
this has been awesome.

We really appreciate it being
able to be of support and we

look forward to the next time.

UC 42: New Channeled Wisdom: ABRAHAM Reveals Humanity's TRUE Nature & Purpose! | Benny Ferguson
Broadcast by