UC 31: Easiest Shortcut to Reach "Awakened Mind" State Of Psychics & Mediums

Allyn Evans: And I was
walking up and down the

aisle at the bookstore, at
the time it was the occult.

because that's what
they named all of this.

So I'm walking down,
what can I read next?

What can I read next?

And I see the book and
the book is The Journey

of Robert Monroe.

And I, I just was in shock
because this is that place.

This was a book about
that place that I had read

about so many years ago and
just didn't really think

I could ever get there.

Rod Bland: My guest today is
Allyn Evans, who's the current

CEO of the Monroe Institute.

Allyn, welcome.

And thanks for
coming on the show.

Allyn Evans: Thank you.

Glad to be here.

Rod Bland: Well, I've
been looking forward to

this conversation and it's
taken us a while to get the

calendars to sync up, but
I'd like to start with some

background of what your
life was like growing up.

And then can you tell us
about what led to your role

at the Monroe Institute?

Allyn Evans: Sure.

So I grew up in Mississippi
in a small town and just a

very solid family of friends
and neighbors environment,

so definitely grew up
with a lot of support,

and as I grew older I started
getting, a young adult, I

started getting very curious
about things I was reading,

and it would be associated
with this concept, just

like what we say here at
Monroe, you're more than your

physical body, is what we ask
you to believe, that, wow,

I am more than my physical
body, and the way I was

raised, I didn't know that.

So I was reading these
books that were just

blowing my mind, you know,
reshaping my paradigm there.

And, um, I started
getting very curious.

So I was always was curious.

So I started seeking and
trying to figure out,

well, if these people that
I'm reading about can do

these things, like be more
intuitive, be more psychic,

um, have these experiences.

Well, I should be
able to, right.

And that's, uh, I was just.

Going after it and trying
to solve that problem and

trying to figure it out.

It dawned on me one time when
I was reading a book from

a psychic who said this is
how you do it and I've been

doing it since I was three.

That, wait a minute,
if you've been doing it

since you were three, how
are you gonna teach me?

Because I haven't been
doing it since I was three.

I'm probably, you know, by
then I was like probably

late 20s early 30s.

So I had some other things
I had to learn how to do to,

you know, to reach that state.

So I started again reading
more books and I found the

Monroe Institute in books.

And when I did that, it was
years before the internet.

So I couldn't just get on here
and Google and go, what is it?

But I just knew it as this
mysterious place somewhere

out there that people seem
to develop these skills that

I was seeking to develop.

So, I, I just, I read the
books, I kept thinking

about it, I then went on
my own self taught path.

I didn't have a teacher,
and it was probably because

I didn't have the courage
to go out and say, Hey, I'm

looking for this, I'm looking
for that teacher, didn't

have the resources to go, you
know, pay one of the authors

and go, Hey, call them up
and pay them to help me.

So I was like, okay,
how do I do this?

So I started with
dream analysis.

And I started meditating.

Now, my meditation practice
was really bizarre at the time

because again, it's me reading
it from books, not really

understanding, but I was
learning how to quiet the mind

and how to get in that very
thoughtful, expanded state.

So I just continued
that practice.

Dream Analysis helped me
learn what I call like a

second language so that I
could interpret and process

nonverbal communication.

Which is typically how you
might receive information,

say, from a guide, in
dreams, for the meditation.

So that was a big step for me.

And then 2008, I was, so fast
forward many years later,

I was with my daughter in a
bookstore, and I was walking

up and down the aisle of
the book, and at the time,

at the bookstore, at the
time it was the occult.

because that's what
they named all of this.

So I'm walking down,
what can I read next?

What can I read next?

And I see the book and
the book is The Journey

of Robert Monroe.

And I, I just was in shock
because this is that place.

This was a book about
that place that I had read

about so many years ago and
just didn't really think

I could ever get there.

So I bought the
book, read the book.

By the end of the book, I had
bought all the Gateway series,

which is a, then it was six.

a package that I could
go through all of these

exercises, which we call
meditations, um, until

explaining the gateway
process, which is our

flagship program here.

Before I was done, I
was like, I don't care

if I have the money.

I don't care how I do it.

I've got to go.

And so I was there by March of
2009, taking my first gateway.

So that's how I got started.

Rod Bland: That, that
must have been exciting.

I've, I've, uh, one of my
ambitions is to be able

to go and do the gateway
program actually at the

Monroe Institute, not
just the, the virtual one.

And was it, uh, was
it Far Journeys?

Was that the book, the
first book that you read?

Allyn Evans: No, actually
it was the journey

of Robert Monroe.

Rod Bland: Oh, it's called
The Journey of Robert Monroe.


Allyn Evans: written
by Ron Russell, who

was a friend of his.

And what I love about the
book is it, it's a very

real explanation of the man.

So it introduces weaknesses,
strengths, and then the

story of how it all unfolded.

Rod Bland: Oh, interesting.

I've never run
across that one.

And I've read all of Robert
Monroe's books like several

Allyn Evans: Right.

I've read those.

Rod Bland: Yeah.


Allyn Evans: for
me came later.

I wasn't interested
in out of body.

I didn't even know, when I
first showed up here, I wasn't

concentrating on that at all.

And then the other thing I
was telling Scooter McMonigle

today, who's married to
Joe McMonigle, who's also

Bob Monroe's, uh, daughter,
um, I said, you know, when

I came here, Joe was here,
and he came to speak, and

I had no idea who he was.

And there were people
in the room at Gateway

that just went crazy.

And I'm going,
who is this guy?

And he was a remote viewer
001 for a government

program in the 70s, I
believe is when it started.

So again, I was so, I had this
tunnel vision about developing

my intuitive abilities that
I didn't focus on the other

things that this place offers.

Rod Bland: You went to
the gateway program.

So can you tell us about your
experience going through that?


Allyn Evans: it's
interesting because I've

been a Gateway trainer.

For several years, and I'm not
doing that now, but, um, about

a decade, I was doing Gateway.

And, from my own experience,
I was one of the people that

I was having, I had, um, let's
say I had experiences, I knew

something was happening on
a deeper level, and I also

realized it once I left, but
it wasn't the spectacular

experiences that you do hear
about some people having.

So you'll find it, at least
from my observation, it

happens one or two ways.

And so some people will
just have these incredible

meditations that they're
talking to deceased loved

ones and, uh, you know, having
these connections to guidance

that they can actually have
some kind of real, uh, feel

like a real experience.

And then there's others
who it's more subtle and

it's more of an opening and
receiving, but maybe you just,

in one meditation, you see a
symbol of a rose, let's say.

You're not over there talking
to your deceased loved one.

But that rose has a very
powerful message for you.

So I was more on that
track when I first showed

up, but again, I knew
it was very important.

And I had been listening to
those CDs that, yeah, they

were CDs at the time, um,
before I got there and was

already having things happen.

Rod Bland: I've got a number
of other questions here.

Tell us about your, your
meditation practice.

Cause you just mentioned that
briefly and you, and you start

off with a, a bizarre one.

Can you, what's your current
meditation practice look like?

Allyn Evans: I would say,
well, this was in the

beginning when I didn't
know what I was doing.

It was just more finding time.

I tended to like to do
that in the bedroom.

That was a private.

And I would just try to go for
extended periods of time, uh,

either doing something like
a Wayne Dyer would say with

the, the alming or the toning,
or again, trying to just have

an affirmation that helped
me stay focused on either the

affirmation or clear my head.

Once I found the, the
technology, Hemisync,

then the tool, that
tool helped me do that.

And also because the
meditations or exercises

are purpose driven, very
instructional, then that was

my, you know, the next step.

And that's what
I still do today.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

I find them really,
really useful as well.

Sometimes as if I just don't
want to sit down and try to

be quiet and, and the, uh,
the HemiSync is good for

if you've, if my, I've got the
um, the rabbit brain going,

I call it, then, then that
really just quietens things

down and you can actually have
a bit of peace for a while,

which is really, really good.

So after you did that, how did
you go from actually attending

the, the gateway program to
becoming a trainer to then

like your current role?

How did that evolve?

Allyn Evans: Right.

So when you, when you take
two programs, then you have

an option if you're interested
in helping, you know,

spread this out to others
or teach it or train it.

We have a program
called Outreach.

where you can teach basically
the first two days of Gateway.

It's a little bit different,
but it's, it's pri it's

similar in the material.

And so I did that
the next year.

I signed up, went through
the program, and then

the following year I was
one of the, um, I did

more outreach programs
than anybody in the us.

So that made me, um, they
looked at me and said,

Hmm, what's she doing?

Because our U.


outreach trainers tend to
have trouble filling seats.

And so then I was asked
to be the outreach

trainer, co trainer.

And then from that
evolved Gateway in a

few years after that.

Rod Bland: Okay, so you
really took to it like

a, like a fish to water.

Allyn Evans: Yeah, you know,
it's interesting because

over the years, I have

and sometimes I've chided
myself about this, about being

so narrowly focused on Monroe.

Monroe Sound Sciences,
our evolution of that, um,

that I maybe I was missing
other teachings that would

have been very helpful to
either to me or to others.

I teach, but I realize
now sitting here.

That was probably all by
design because that's where

I needed to be focused.

So that could be a just
very clear channel.

of this process, this
work, the sound technology.

Rod Bland: How's your
view of consciousness and

consciousness studies?

How's that evolved since
you've been involved with

the Monroe Institute?

Allyn Evans: That's an
interesting question.

I mean, as far as
research, we're getting

more and more active.

We just recently hired, as
of January this year, hired

a full time researcher,
co director of research.

And before that, we were
usually having, well, I'd

say for five years before
that, we had one researcher,

also co director of research,
who would only be able to

give us one day a week.

So, it's exciting now to
really be able to focus on

this and to look and see
what's happening in the

brain when we're doing these
meditations, when we're

using the sound technology.

We've got a program
called Discovery.

We've got a few others
that we now use the

MindMirror EEG system.

Are you familiar with

Rod Bland: I have
not heard about that.

So tell us about that too.

Allyn Evans: So, that
was created by Max Cade.

And it's a way to, it's a,
the, I think it's a four

channel, but it's a way to
measure the pat, like what's

going on in the brain.

He was also innovative like
Bob Monroe, started around

that same time, and he was
like, okay, something is

happening in a healer's mind,
a psychic's mind, a medium's

mind, that's different, that's
happening to just every,

you know, everyday folks.

So he wanted to map that out.

And so he invited
these people, these

individuals to his place.

And he used his Mind Mirror
EEG system, and he discovered

that there were certain
patterns, brainwave patterns,

that these particular
individuals tended to have

or to be able to reach.

So, what we can do now is
use that, those patterns,

when we're in meditations,
using sound technology or

without sound technology,
and we can see that we're

getting those patterns.

So, uh, mediums pattern,
for example, very common

for a medium is called
the awakened mind state.

And so when I'm saying
patterns, that means there's

a certain amount of theta,
there's a certain amount

of delta, certain amount of
beta, which is where you're

more conscious and alert.

And they stay in a specific
shape, and that's when

they can tap into source
guidance information.

So, his theory was, the
more people that can learn

how to do this, that he
could train to do this.

Then the happier,
more successful, more

prosperous, more peaceful
individuals would be.

So now we have one of the
individuals who's taking on

the MindMirror work, Judith
Pennington, who trains courses

here with us, and we use the
MindMirror, and she's just

blown away by what happens
here with the brainwave

patterns and what we're able
to reach and demonstrate.

Interestingly enough, they
discovered that when people

have out of body experiences,
the brainwaves collapse.

So it's literally
like they're gone.

Rod Bland: Wow.

Allyn Evans: And so that's
been a fun thing to see.

Rod Bland: So that's a
revelation that's only

come about just recently.

This, the collapsing
of the brainwaves.

Allyn Evans: That's my
understanding that it's

something she realized here as
she was gathering this data.

Rod Bland: I think it was
in Daryl Anka's book, who

channels Bashar and I'm,
I'm sure in his book, they

mentioned how he was, they
hooked him up to a machine

and, and it was very
consistent, like the the, the

pattern that his brain went
into a very sort of almost

like a deep sleep pattern, but
he was, he was, he's conscious

whenever he would sort of go
into the channeling because

he's like a more of a sort
of a semi conscious channel.

Allyn Evans: That's the
interesting part, because

when you're doing this and you
have a big band of theta, you

know, you're really in that
theta state, a lot of people

can't, aren't conscious.

They, they haven't had
training to be consciously

aware of what's happening.

And that's when we're in
those, uh, like those states

between sleep and awake.

Uh, when we're, when we're
having access to that

subconscious information,
and so it's very, it's a

good way, you know, it's
good to learn that because

you can access more of your
total self, in my opinion,

if you're able to do that.

And interestingly enough, I
did the sound technology for

10 years before I actually had
my own mind mirror session.

and, and it, it was a
little nerve wracking for

me because it was in a
conference room straight.

I was sitting a
straight back chair.

My back was sore, and
they were asking me

to do this on demand.

And a board member was
there doing it with me,

and I was a trainer.

I was like, oh,
what if I blow this?

You know, I didn't really
know what I was doing, but

I was like, oh my, oh, this
could be just terrible.

I did it anyway.

So within the first, it
was a 20 minute session.

She verbally guided it
so she could later ask

what was happening during
the specific parts.

As we looked at the pattern,
you know, unfolding.

So she said that she
reported that I was able

to go to a theta state, a
really heavy band of theta

within less than 30 seconds
without sound technology.

So that told me, wow, okay,
this stuff is doing something.

You know, it's helped
me do this very easily.

And then I maintain the
Awaken Mind state, which is

the one the mediums and the
healers tend to first go to.

And I stayed in that for
97 percent of a 20 minute

session when I was in pain.

And there were people
walking around in bright

lights and I was sitting
in a straight back chair.

Then the Evolved Brain is the
one where you are starting

to possibly be channeling.

Or, you know, making some
kind of stronger connection

to more than what's right
around you, your total self.

I hit that 30
percent of the time.

Again, I, I believe it's
because of the training that I

have done previously and the,
the, you know, using the sound

technology on a regular basis.

But the interesting thing
was, and this is what

kind of blew my mind.

When we're, when we were
talking, like after it was

over, the board member went
first, then it was my turn.

So he's just has this
amazing experience.

I call them bells and
whistles where it's just

like, you know, talking to
again, maybe an angel or a

deceased loved one or maybe
there's a bunny rabbit that's

talking to you as your guide.

And so he's, you know, telling
about this fabulous thing that

just happened in 20 minutes.

And I'm going, I'm thinking
to myself, uh, that's

not what happened here.

And I really started sinking
down in my chair because I was

like, Oh, this is not good.

It was like my
fears had come true.

So she started talking to me
about it and she kept asking

me questions and I was going,
no, nothing really happened.

No, no, because I didn't have,
you know, with anything, not,

you know, not auditory, not
visually, you know, nothing.

finally, she said, okay,
what was happening right

here when I was talking
about opening the door?

And all of a sudden I
was like, wait a minute.

That is when I felt like I
was in this complete state

of unconditional love.

And I was so supported and
I was one with the universe,

you know, just kind of
having that kind of moment.

And she goes, okay,
that that's evolved.

That's the Evolved Mind state.

And that's when you
opened up to that

channeling possibility.

Well, I was, you know,
I just, I was going to

discard the whole thing.

So what, why it changed
the way I look at this is

because I realized, yes, the
bells and whistles are fun.

It's nice to have these
experiences, but that's

not really why we're here.

That's not what we're doing.

We're wanting to
reach that space.

That's very dark, very
quiet, very still, and

just filling us with.

Love and support.

Rod Bland: So was that one
of the sort of more defining

moments that you've had or
have you had any other um,

moments or experiences that
have really changed your

perspective or what you
think about consciousness?

Allyn Evans: That certainly
did, uh, change my perspective

again, because I just thought
it was more about what I

was receiving in a, in a two
way communication system.

So, yes, that,
that certainly did.

And then, um, I've had
other experiences that,

it's interesting, it's
more like breadcrumbs.

And when you, that's why we
always say please journal,

journal everything, because
when you look back you see

that you're, you're given
little hints and breadcrumbs

to help you follow the
path, the path that's yours

to follow, even though
you might be afraid, even

though you might have,
you know, fears about,

um, your ability to do it.

Whether you think, think
you have the resources,

whether you think that you
have the skills, whatever

it is, um, but you can see
that you're, it's a, it's

an unfolding of a jigsaw
puzzle, and sometimes it

takes years before you see it.

And so me sitting in this
position, I definitely had

a lot of those moments where
I was like, okay, now, why

did I have that meditation
and that experience?

when there's no way that
I would end up in this

position or, um, disinvolved.

I remember reading my
journals after the first

year of me starting this
process, coming to Monroe.

I had not, I had
totally forgotten.

That I had been receiving
information because I'm

auditory, so I hear things,
um, that I've been receiving

information that the
Monroe Institute needed me.

And I was embarrassed
to write, I would say,

okay, this is crazy.

I'm going to write it
down anyway, but I keep

getting this message.

And I'd forgotten it.

Well, a year later, I'm
reading my journal, and

I am now leading the
local chapter network.

Which was now the
Monroe Community Groups.

I'm the chair of launching
the entire project worldwide.

When I was getting the
messages, I was a stay

at home mom with some
random contracts, feeling

very underutilized and
wanting to be of service.

So that, that was a, that's
when I realized, or I

guess a way for me to look
back and go, you know, we

really are supported, we
really are guided, and we

just have to pay attention.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

But pay attention.


Sometimes the messages
are subtle, aren't they?

Allyn Evans: Ah, yes, that's
why you write them down too,

because sometimes it makes
zero sense, because maybe it

is just a symbol of a rose,

it sometimes is like a
big jigsaw puzzle with all

these tiny little pieces.

that you're putting
together over time.

And again, it
could be 10 years.

It could be 20 years.

It could be one year.

Rod Bland: Did you ever
get to meet Bob Monroe

before he passed on?


Allyn Evans: Now, he
taught in 1995 and

Rod Bland: was a
fair while after.

Allyn Evans: yeah, I was
2009 when I showed up.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

Um, there was someone
else whose books I really

enjoyed was Bruce Moen.

I think he was an attend, I
know he was still an attendee

there after Bob passed on,
and then after his wife,

was his wife Nancy, I think?

Was he someone that was
around during your time or?

Allyn Evans: no.

Rod Bland: Yep.



There's, there's, there's
like, they're all, they're

all veterans, aren't they?

It's such a old, I guess
Bob's books are like

written in the 80s.

Uh, that's, yeah, we're
going back a fair way.

Um, and then the other
one, the more, I think

it was actually, it was
Tom Campbell's books.

Um, that's, uh, that's,
I think that's how many

of us found out about
the Monroe Institute.

Allyn Evans: And
I do know Tom.

He's a wonderful man.

Rod Bland: Yeah, he's very,
very generous with his time.

He's, I think he's probably
one of the most widely, if not

the most widely interviewed
person who I know of that's

been at the Monroe Institute.

He's very, very generous.

So the, the focus, uh, the,
when I first heard about focus

levels was actually in Bruce
Mowen's books, which, uh, was

at voyages into the afterlife.

And so could you tell us
a little bit about, uh,

what the focus levels are
and, you know, how that

fits into the programs?

Allyn Evans: So this is,
it's really the system

that Bob Monroe created.

And he, it was like a
map of consciousness.

So what he discovered is
when we were putting together

different frequencies,
People tended to have similar

experiences, and not, not
similar outcomes, but the

first one, focus 10, and
I say first, they're not,

there's no order, and Bob,
Bob Monroe tried to help

it not be hierarchical,
hierarchical because of the,

um, because he didn't want it
Look that way, but when you

have, you know, 10, 12, 15,
that's what it sounds like.

You know, it sounds
like one, the higher

level must be better.

That's not the case.

But focus 10 is body
asleep, mind awake.

It's one of, to me, it's
one of the most exciting

focus levels because that's
where you really learn that.

When I was talking about
reaching those theta states

and having a lot of delta
going on, but you have

beta too, you are alert.

You can remember
the experiences.

So it's a really great
training focus level and

you literally will feel
like your body's asleep.

And you, I remember when I
was doing it at home before I

came here, I would have these
moments when I was doing Focus

10 and I would hear somebody
breathing very heavily.

And I was like, you
know, and I would just

be going in my head.

It would kind of scare me
like, who, who, what is that?

Where, where am
I hearing that?

Well, it would be me.

My body was asleep.

So, I mean, you literally
in those, when you get

into those very heavy
focus level, focus 10 level

states, you can be snoring
and go, okay, who's snoring?

It's me.

Um, so it's an
interesting phenomena.

Focus 12 is another level.

And that's the way I look
at that is it's, it's

an expansion of self.

It's where we're looking
at total self of access.

So some people might
say higher self.

And that's where a lot of
nonverbal communication can

come in, uh, from, it's,
you can think of it like a

dream state, a meditative
state that's, uh, where

you're able to access those
different parts of yourself,

maybe an inner child, maybe
it's a, uh, pieces of your

soul that you're trying
to bring back to you.

And then focus 15 is no time.

It's called the void.

And it's where we can really
play around with, uh, past,

future, uh, present moment.

And it's a, it's a state
really of initiation.

It usually means you want
to be initiating something

so that something occurs.

Otherwise it can tend to
just be this silent void that

you're in, which is nice too.

then Focus 21, the way I
look at Focus 21 is that

we're going beyond and that's
where we're, we're really

stepping into that space.

that we can reach out
to deceased loved ones,

guidance, things like that.

And then focus 27,
we call the park.

And that's just, it's,
it's interesting.

This has this amazing energy
now, because so many of

us have gone there in our
meditations and it seems to

almost have a structure to it.

Like you'll go there and
see the healing center.

You can go there and
see the, um, the book,

the hall of records.

You can.

Go there and, um, even we
have a class called X27,

where you go build your place
there that you can, when

you go meditate, you can
go hang out in that space.

So it's a, it's one of my
favorites just because of

how broad and, um, and,
and we, so many of us have

shared experiences there.

So that's just a few of
them, the basic ones.

Rod Bland: So, your everyday
work and the people you're

involved with, uh, and I guess
kind of what I do as well,

you, you get used to the idea
that we're working and talking

about things that a lot of
people are very skeptical of.

And so what, what do you
generally say to people

who doubt the legitimacy
of phenomena like OBEs

or psychic abilities?

Allyn Evans: You know, so
one of the things we pride

ourselves in is that we want
you to have the experience.

We don't, you know, so I'm
sitting here telling you about

some of my experiences, but
what I really want to happen

is for you to come here,
you to get on our app, you

to come to a program, not
to give me money, but for

you to have the experience.

And the sound technology
is a key driver for that.

I mean, we had a Buddhist
sceptic in the 1990s

that came from Canada.

He was the head of an order
and he spent one week with us.

And at the end, he was
like, you Americans,

y'all figure out the
shortcuts to everything.

And he realized that this
was a fast track compared

to years and years and
years and years of sitting.

And it is.

I mean, you can be in
those states and hold those

states for extended periods,
periods of time without

discipline, you know, except
the discipline of the 30

minutes, 45 minutes that you
listen to the meditation.

Rod Bland: I've always
been fascinated by the

out of body experience.

That's kind of my go
to thing and I've been

successful one time.

So I'm, I'm interested
in being more successful

than just, than just once.

So, you know, what would you
say to someone in my position

as far as, okay, well, I'm
thinking about doing something

with Monroe institute.

What should I do?

Allyn Evans: Uh, well, so
we do have OBE spectrum,

which I have trained, and
that gives you a lot of

different ways to experience
or view an out of body.

Most people, now when you
had yours, was it a, would

you call it a traditional
type experience, a classic

experience where you're, you
know that you're out, you

know, then you can look down
at your body where you've

left it, maybe a silver
cord, maybe a vibration

before all that happens.

Rod Bland: It wasn't
quite that because my.

My intentions, I'd, I'd,
uh, I followed, uh, Michael

Roduga's methodology.

So it was, I was, I'd just
woken up and I just managed to

catch myself as I'd woken up.

And I was thinking about
standing in front of

the bathroom mirror and
then I was in front of

the bathroom mirror.

So that's, and so it was
away from my body, like

in a different floor of
the house at that point.

So I didn't get to see
that, but that, that

was the only difference.

I would say the rest of it
was fairly similar to what

other people have described.


Allyn Evans: and so that
the, what we find is people

really want the classic
traditional experience,

just what I was explaining.

What we teach at the OB
Spectrum Program is that

there's so many different
ways for this to happen.

And it's really more about
the outcome, not how you get

there, but we certainly have,
you know, meditations and

exercises and information that
we teach in that program that

helps people have experiences.

And it's not
always a guarantee.

You know, it's
not a guarantee.

We can't guarantee that,
but we are leaving you

with tools to work with.

And everybody can do it.

It's really just a matter
of staying alert and aware.

And that's why the Focus
10 training is so powerful.

Because you're training
yourself to remain alert

Rod Bland: The falling
asleep, I can't, I can't

really prevent that, doesn't
matter how much I try, but

once you've had some sleep
and then catching it when

I wake up seems to be,
you know, that seems to

be the ideal opportunity,
I think it's different

for different people.

Allyn Evans: Yeah,
that's actually the ideal

opportunity for me too.

But I also found afternoons,
um, and I would run two 45

minute exercises together.

And I found sometimes
that could be helpful too.

But morning and that, that
space between waking up and,

um, and then getting out of
bed, if you can, if you can

build in time to hang out
there and just right after

you've woken up, then you're,
you're more likely to be

in that state and be able
to return to, uh, something

similar that's got you in
a lot of theta, delta, and

then of course the beta,

Rod Bland: It's amazing to
me that it's so, uh, related

to a particular state of
your brain, which is a very,

seems, it's a very sort of
scientific approach to me.

That was what I was
encouraged by is like,

okay, well, if I wasn't
born with psychic abilities,

like you, the person who
was three years old, then

what hope do we have?

But you know, there is a
way to, to tap into that

just by applying a little
bit of science it seems.

Allyn Evans: right?

It works?

Rod Bland: So, I have
a question that I ask a

lot of my guests is about
what advice would you have

for 25 year old Allyn?

Allyn Evans: Hmm.

You know, I was already
very curious when I was

25 and that's, uh, I
actually probably started

reading those, those
books when I was 27, 28.

but what would I tell, you
know, really, so I'm going to

be very, um, vulnerable here,
but I was so self critical,

so had so many self doubts.

And so I think that's
where I got in my way.

Just even when I wanted to
be an outreach trainer, after

being here for Gateway, and
then you take another program,

I almost didn't ask about it.

Because my thought was,
why would they want me?

And I just made, I
made myself do it.

At least, thank God I had a
little bit of courage mixed

in there, because I, you know,
that's how I think I keep

moving forward, is because I
can pull out the courage card.

Uh, or be afraid and do
it anyway, um, but that,

that would be, I would
say, Hey, get over it.

And the other thing I would
say to my 25 year old self

is not everybody's going to
like you and that's okay.

Those are the two things.

Rod Bland: I've asked that
question to a few people,

that's really powerful.

Not everyone's
going to like you.

Allyn Evans: Right.

Rod Bland: Yeah, and
that's, and that's okay.

That's, that's really good.

Allyn Evans: and I had a
meditation that brought

that home to me and I
heard this booming voice.

It was a male voice and it
was, I just said, Allyn, not

everybody's going to like you.

And I was like, Oh, Oh.


You know, but up until
that point, that's not

how I could see it.

Rod Bland: Yeah.

That's really useful for me.

I've got a history as a
chronic people pleaser.

So yeah.

Allyn Evans: too.

That's, I wrote a book that
has that in the subtitle.

Rod Bland: sO if, if people
wanted to, people may

have questions for you.

Um, I'll get you to talk a bit
more about the programs that

the Monaro students seek, but
if they, if they wanted to

ask you questions personally,
is, is that something you'd

be open to and what's the
best way for them to do that?

Allyn Evans: So we have
info at MonroeInstitute.

org, that would be a good way
to send an email, and if it's

specifically for me, just say
that they would, you know,

ask to, for me to view it,
and they'll pass it on to me.

Rod Bland: Okay, cool.

Allyn Evans: And it might
be answered by someone

else, if it's not something
that, you know, if they're

just generic questions
that somebody on staff

might know the answer to.

Rod Bland: Yep, so can you
give us a bit of an overview

of what the Munro Institute
does for people who may not

have heard about them before?

Allyn Evans: we offer
programs, and we have

about, I can't even
tell you the number now.

I think it's about 30
different types of programs,

and they have different
focuses, and some of them

are on the focus level
system, and some are not.

Some are Monroe Sound Science,
which is not including

the focus level system.

Um, but it's, uh, it's a way
for an individual, so if they

come to a program, it's a
way to have a very structured

experience with purpose.

For example, Gateway is
the flagship where that's

the introduction to the
basic, uh, focus levels.

And then we have one
lifeline that's about soul

retrieval, soul retrieval of
yourself and soul retrieval

of others who've passed on.

We have, um, guidelines, so
that'd be more about guidance.

We have X27, which is
exploring that, the

park, the Focus 27 level
and so on and so on.

And then we have other ones
like near death experience,

Heartline, which is focused
on the heart energy.

There's, we have anything
you would want that could,

you know, move someone
forward just depending on

what the purpose is, what
they're trying to accomplish.

Rod Bland: And so you have
some that, uh, are done

actually at the Institute
there in Virginia, and then

you have some online things
and apps as well, don't you?

Allyn Evans: Right.

We have about a thousand
people who come here a year.

And then we have virtual
programs, which some are, um,

a week long, some are like
two weekends, so that you can

not have to use, if you're,
if you're someone that works

Monday through Friday, uh, you
just are having two weekends

to cover the material.

And then we have some
shorter virtual programs.

We also have online programs.

So those are, they're
guided by a trainer.

There's email, you can email
them or chat with them.

And then there's a, usually a
video session once a week or

a Zoom session once a week.

So, we have that format, and
then we also have it where you

just are getting the material
without any guidance, and

those are our lowest price
points, and so it's really

easy in an inexpensive way
to experience what we do.

Rod Bland: Hmm.

I learned about the Lifeline
program from Bruce, uh,

Moen's book, and I think
that's absolutely fascinating.

Do you, do you, is there
been anybody that's been

through that program or do
you know of any experience

that somebody's had that was
particularly profound that

you could tell us about?

Allyn Evans: Hmm, you
know, it's hard, sometimes

it's hard for me to
remember different stories,

but I have one that
I just recalled.

Uh, Candy Sanderson,
who is the author of

The Reluctant Messenger.

So it might be a book that,
I think it's a great book,

so I think your audience
would be interested.

But she came, she was coming
here for about 10 years, and

she took Lifeline, and she got
a download of someone who had

passed on, and she received
their name, where they lived,

and just more information,
and she was able to verify

it, like immediately after
the session was over, the That

seemed to open this huge door
for her, where then, about,

I think it was a few weeks
later, might have been a month

or two later, she started, as
she would be driving to work

every morning, she started
getting all these downloads.

And she's, she
verbally recorded them.

You know, had a tape
recorder that she just

recorded everything, then she
transcribed everything, and

that's what's in the book.

And it's, so she's in a
whole different space now,

with this gift that was,
Uh, Gifted at Lifeline.

Rod Bland: Wow, what was
her purpose for doing,

obviously she didn't know
how it was going to turn out.

What was her purpose
for coming there

in the first place?

Was it just because she had a
relative that had passed on?

Allyn Evans: no, so I'm not
sure why she picked Lifeline.

It might have been that
a friend wanted to go,

but she'd already been
coming for several years,

and she actually was one of
the founding members of the

local chapter network with me.

So we were just both
very passionate about the

organization, so she would
come like once a year.

And that lifeline just
happened to be the one she

selected about, I think it was
10 years after she started.

Rod Bland: So what's in
the future for yourself

and the Monroe Institute?

How do you see our
understanding of

consciousness evolving as
humans as time goes by?

Allyn Evans: You know, one
of our things that we're

doing right now is a huge,
we have this huge aspiration

to reach 1 percent of the
world's population, which

right now is about 80 million,
with a direct experience.

Because we believe the
more people that can

get into these states of
awareness and maintain them.

Then we really can
change the world.

And of course there
are other organizations

with similar goals.

So altogether, if we
all focus on our 1%, uh,

we'll eventually have a
tipping point, I believe.

And I think that's
what's driving us now.

Rod Bland: So do you have
a final positive message

that you could leave people
with before we wrap up

the conversation today?

Allyn Evans: Yes, I do.

This is possible for
anyone and everyone, and

we have this amazing sound
technology that cuts out all

of the years of discipline
and training and can help

you reach these powerful
states for yourself, have

these amazing experiences.

Have these amazing
experiences yourself.

Rod Bland: Awesome.

Allyn Evans: do it.

Rod Bland: Yes, and I can
recommend it too as someone

who has, I've struggled with
meditation and like being

able to focus in the, the,
uh, the HemiSync technology

is really, really useful for
helping people with that.

If you do have trouble just
quieting your mind, I can

thoroughly recommend it and
it's not expensive at all.

Allyn Evans: Right.

then the Monroe Sound
Science is, you know,

the evolution of that.

And then we've got the apps.

It's real, there's a
free section on there.

So anyone can get started
and listen to this

stuff and experience.

Rod Bland: yeah.

All right, Alan, it's been
great talking with you today.

You've been very generous with
your time, so I appreciate

you taking the time out
to have a chat with me all

the way over in Australia.

Allyn Evans: Thank you.

I enjoyed it.

UC 31: Easiest Shortcut to Reach "Awakened Mind" State Of Psychics & Mediums
Broadcast by